Chapter 18: the sickness

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It was only getting darker as we walked. And I had to admit, I liked this darkness. It felt so empowering. If that was the right word. It just felt good.

We passed schools, buildings, parks, but we never stopped. We must have been walking for what seemed like hours. I didn't want to talk either. Due to the fact that those things had super hearing and just because I didn't feel like it.

My thoughts were buzzing in my head. I had just run a way from home with a guy. That's what my mom will think anyways. Would she call the police? She might even be happy to get rid of me. The fact that I had a master now, a dark master, made my head reel as well. I was a servant, a slave, and I even had the mark of one. Yet, I didn't hate Amos. Disliked him, sure, but I was still an obedient little slug.

As we walked I tried honing in on seeing people's darkness. I caught a glimpse of moms, so why not try complete strangers?

This one guy looked like his darkness wrapped around him, choking him. Another woman's was wrapped around her waist, like a diaper. It's hard to explain how darkness looked. Like dark shadows with jagged edges and constantly moving. Like be diaper lady, hers would generally stay on her waist, but sometimes it would move down her legs or out from her body.

That lady's darkness is lust. Amos said. I shot daggers at him.

Don't read my thoughts. I growled at him in my head.

"Ok, for one, I don't ever read your thoughts. And two, I saw you looking at her anyway and deduced you saw her darkness. I must say, you learn rather quickly. I'm impressed." He gave me a ghost of a smile. But I could tell his mind was anywhere but here.

"I live to please you and only you master," I said sarcastically. Probably added a tone of butter as well. But he just blew me off. "What's wrong?"

"Huh?" I rolled my eyes.

"What is wrong?" I over enunciated the words and said them slowly. He just scowled at me.

"Nothing oh so curious one." He gave me a playful smirk. I gave him a scowl.

He took a deep breath in. "I love this world! There's so much darkness." I gave him a sideways glance and saw that he had darkened a bit. I could sense it too.

It was like the person next to me was a darker version of Amos. I feel like I've seen this side of him before, one where he just relished in the darkness of my world.

"Truly delectable." I grumbled.

"Have you have tried eating someones darkness?" He chuckled. My eyes widened.

"Excuse me?" Was he suggesting we eat someone? I mean, I was a little hungry, but not that much.

"I'm just kidding geez." He was beginning to laugh so hard he wiped a tear away. I scowled at him.

Fuck you. I hissed in my head.

I would, but that would just be awkward for both of us. I stopped walking.

"What is wrong with you? You're acting like more of a douche than normal." He turned around and just giggled crazily.

"Perhaps it's just because I've been less me for your sake. But now, we're out in the open. Fresh air in our lungs." He took another obnoxious breath in.

I felt his head. He was on fire.

"Oh my god. You're sick." Explains a few things. Not everything, but a few.

"Don't touch me without me permission." He tried to sound tough, but he wobbled a bit. Lessening the effect.

"Shut up idiot. We have to get you somewhere to rest." I looked my arm in his and began looking for a hotel or something.

He tried wriggling away, but I clamped onto him. I wasn't going to let him get away.

"What even is sick? I feel wonderful." He tried removing his arm from my vice like grip.

"Yeah right hot shot. You feeling cold? Stomach feeling funny?" I tried pushing into his mind a bit as he thought. I caught a glimpse of his physical state. He did feel off, be he blamed it on adrenaline.

"No." He said slowly.

"Liar. We need to get you to a bed." He just grumbled some words together. It didn't even sound coherent.

I saw some Super 8 motel and decided it would the best I could do for now. As much as I didn't like it, I knew Amos would have to his little hypnosis thing to get us a room for free.

"Amos-" I looked at him, he didn't look good. How did he get so sick so fast? His eyes were a little puffy and he was pale.

It looked like I'd have to do it. Shouldn't be that hard. Just have to lock-in on their darkness or something.

How do I hypnotize someone? I hoped that even though he was sick he'd respond.

Darkness, was all he said. That didn't help me at all. We were getting closer to the hotel, Amos began dragging his feet. At least he hadn't stopped waking.

"Just a little longer. Come on." I whined.

I entered the lobby and went to the front desk. There weren't many people. One sitting in the opposite side of the room and only one lady at the desk. She looked like she was in her early twenties. She was busy typing when I walked up.

"Hello." I said with a big smile. The woman behind the desk stopped typing and looked at me, then at Amos, then back to me.

"Hi." She said with a bland smile.

"Could I have a room with two beds please?" I saw her darkness. It was like a helmet with spikes. Mental illness maybe?

"We only give out rooms to 18 and up. Could I see your ID?" Crap.

"You don't need our IDs or our money. You'll just give me the keys." My body was shaking from Amos's weight and the adrenaline.

"What?" She didn't seem convinced. I began focusing harder in her darkness. Forcing it to do my will.

"You don't need identification, or payment. Just give us the keys and forget you saw us," I said with more force. She looked at me like I was crazy. She went to grab the phone by her.

Move damn it. I yelled at her darkness. That's when she froze. Her helmet like darkness had kept to her spine and began sinking into her skin. I told it to do with my mind.

She got up. Got the keys that sat hanging behind her. Then she gave them to me. Her face had gone blank. Shadowed over by my control.

I took the keys from the lady and went to the elevators.

As the doors closed I squealed a little. I'd don't it! But was that such a good thing?

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