Chapter 35: the offer

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The dinner went by quickly. Jericho did a lot of talking about his travel to Avels kingdom. Which may supposed to be funny, but wasn't. Avel seemed to be enthralled though.

I noticed the queen never smiled. Well, she did, but it was never a sincere smile. It always seemed forced.

Avel didn't eat a lot. She picked at most of her food and laughed at Jericho. It wasn't a normal laugh either. It seemed like maybe she thought it was actually funny, but she was making it louder than need be. She must be trying to show off or something. The one thing I noticed was that everyone seemed on edge. Even Jericho, who was trying telling his stories.

What is the matter? I tried whispering into Amos's mind.

The dinner has to go well. It's crucial. He whispered back. I quite talking to him after that.

"So tell me Amos, did you kill you father?" Avel cast her cat like eyes onto my master.

"Of course no-"

"Not the king. Your real father. There are so many rumors about the prince of darkness not descended from royal blood. Is it true you had to kill you father to gain your position here?" Her words were intertwined with something sinister.

Trap? I whispered.

"I killed him," he said coldly, without emotion.

He could fool them with his demeanor, but I could tell his heart twisted in an agony I never knew.

I don't know how I did it, it without words, I comforted him. It was like sending mental soothing thoughts. Or a mental image of me trying to make it better. Avels eyes flew to me. Her eyebrow twitches slightly before she spoke.

"How admirable. So, my queen..." I was shocked. This place was insane. Was it custom to be a heartless beast? Or be someone strong? What is strength of it only makes you suffer?

After the dinner the royals bid each other fair well and I walked with Amos back to his room.

"You shouldn't have done that," he stated silently.


"What ever that was when she asked me about my father. She was seeing if there was weakness in me. She knew that it wasn't a rumor. And you might have made it seem like I regretted my actions," he stated coldly.

"Don't be so high and mighty. Emotions make you human," I huffed.

"You're not getting it. We're in a deadly game right now. And the opposer has an advantage we don't know about. Being human means nothing right now." His words were so cold. But they struck me deep. He was right. I knew he was. It didn't mean it didn't hurt.

"You should have never made your servant then." And with that, I walked away. Leaving him no time to respond.

It was bath night for the servants. We all lined up along the wall and waited for our turn to shower. I need one so badly too. I feel like I hadn't showered in weeks. And after today, I needed a nice long one. So it only makes sense that I'd arrive last. I mentally groaned.

Amos's words rang through my head over and over. I may have acted out of line. But I didn't care. Sometimes I just wanted to punch him, he was so infuriating. He could be such a kind and nice person, then do a total 180 and become some sick devil prince.

"Might I intervene?" I jumped at the sound of Jericho's voice. "Deep in thought?" He smirked. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What do you want?" I spat. He laughed and threw up his arms in surrender.

"Calm down slave. I come here to make an offer." I raised an eyebrow. "How would you like to not be a servant anymore?"

"What?" I didn't believe him.

"A servant is someone with a soul that is of that - anyway. You're not from here. So technically, you can't be a servant. So," she said dramatically, "there's a way to remove your servitude and send you back to your home."

"What do you get out of it?" He wouldn't do this just to help me. He wanted something.

"Oh my dear May, you know me so well. All I want from you is to know how you became Amos's servant in the first place."

"No." I could tell this was a bad idea.

"Think it over. You don't have to make up your mind now. But think about it, what do you really want? To be stuck here? Or to be with your family and friends?" Before I could say anything he was gone.

I could go home. But I'd have to betray Amos. Would if be betraying? I don't know how the queen, or Jericho could use that information against him. But why did they want me to not be Amos's servant anymore?

I should ask Amos. I thought to myself.

Ask Amos what? Shivers ran up my spine.

I...nothing. I quickly responded. He had a lot on his plate right now. That, and I just didn't want to tell him. I can have my secrets too.
The next day I was summoned to Amos's side. Which was good. I didn't want to do my chores today. I mean, chores are just apart of life, but I got no break from it and was tired. Kinda makes you feel bad for all of these servants. They probably hadn't had a day off in years.

When I met up with Amos he was in the front of the palace. I say palace because it was. I had never seen it in its full glory before. To be fair, I'd never been outside the palace really. I've been in gardens, but it didn't give it much justice.

It reminded me of Draculas castle, but bigger. Same creepy dark look to it. Same ominous feeling you get when looking at it.

Amos was standing by a carriage talking to someone on top of it. An actual carriage. It was like a fantasy come true. I almost squealed, but didn't.

I wanted to look around it. See all it's little details but Amos told me to stay by him like a good servant. He was being such a jerk. Perhaps he was stressed. He should take it out on a stress ball then, not me.

We didn't wait long enough for me to wonder what we were waiting for. We were waiting on Avel. She was wearing a large dress you'd expect a princess to wear. Except, this was hot pink. There was black under lace though. She also work a black little jacket. That would have been just dandy for me, if she wasn't carrying a hot pink and black umbrella.

Seriously? It's night outside. I mentally berated her.

Shut up. Know your place. Amos replied. Someone is snippy about his future bride.

"What a lovely day. Cantos, keep up," she yelled back at her man servant. "It was such a lovely idea for you to take me out of the castle dear," she purred. Was it just me, or was 'lovely' thrown around too much.

"Of course princess Avel-"

"Please, just call me, Avel," she smiled brightly. I wanted to roll my eyes, but refrained.

"Avel, shall we?" He opened the door for her and held out his hand.

I couldn't believe it. I was going to see outside the palace. I was excited, even though we had her pink majesty and tweedle dumb with us.

Servants sit on the back of the carriage, Amos scolded when I was about to follow them. I bit my lip in both shame and anger. I followed tweedle dumb to the back of the carriage. At least I could get a better view of everything from here.

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