Chapter 2: rip

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"Bye mom." I called out to the house. I heard a distant bye from some deep dark hidden room in the house that my mom had taken residence in and called it good and walked out the door. At least now she wasn't in some drunken stupor that consumed her most nights. My friend Bree was waiting in her rundown blue truck in my driveway.

"Hello love, sleep any?" She asked eying the dark circles under my eyes. I grabbed a bag out of my backpack that contained apple slices, and began nibbling on them. I avoided eye contact.

"No. I had the craziest dream last night though." During the car ride to school I explained the guy in my dream, but really, there wasn't much to tell, it was just more weird than anything else.

"Ooo, sounds like someones got a dream boyfriend." She laughed as she turned into the school. Rather sharply might I add. Bree scares me a little while she's driving.

"And that means?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"That your subconscious has created itself a boyfriend. Pray you see him again." I laughed at her crazy antics.

"I don't know. He feels like a complete stranger. And kind of an ass frankly." I knew Bree didn't like it when I swore, but it just slips sometimes.

"Bum or not. Sounds dreamy." We pulled to an abrupt stop in our parking stop.

Bree changed the subject by talking about her boyfriend. I just rolled my eyes and lopped beside my crazy tall friend trying to keep up with her as we entered the black and blue colored double doors.
Lunch, finally. I don't have any friends in my classes so it's super boring. I thought senior year was suppose to be the best year of my life, so far, not. I had to restrain myself from running to our lunch table.

"Guys! We have to hang out for once." Candice said whilst doodling in her sketchbook, glasses dangling from her nose. I noticed her untouched food in front of her and took some of it from her plate.

"I know, but everyone's always busy. I mean I'm not doing anything this weekend, but..."

"Oh yeah, I'm working." Chimed in Candice. I rolled my eyes. Always happens, but I love my friends and being alone wasn't the end of the world.

"And I have a date." Bree stated happily chewing on some tough meat.

"I have a date too." They both looked up at me. "With myself. Yep. Gonna sit on the couch and watch Netflix, probably get some popcorn, and at the end...Take a shower." They both laughed at me and went back to what they were doing.

"By the way. I want some chips for that food you stole." Candice's' gruff voice tweeted at me. I groaned and pawned over a chip. A wicked smirk appeared on her face, which reminded me of my dream and gave me a sick feeling. I shoved that feeling down and began eating my chips with a new found verosity.

When I got home I could hardly keep my eyes open. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I was in the foggy place again. I groaned. I wasn't getting any sleep because of this place.

"You came back." I mischievous voice said behind me.

"Whoopy." I said flatly. I covered my face with my hands. "I'm just going to take a nap. Can I do that in a dream?" I debated with myself.

"I suppose you could. Would you like a pillow?" He sat next to me.

"Love one."

He moved me so that my head lay in his lap. I freaked out and sat up.

"What?" He seemed genuinely baffled.

"I was expecting an actual pillow. Not your lap." I ran my hand through my hair.

"Well, supposing you're not going to be taking a nap now." I glared at him. "Tell me about this home of yours." He leaned in, ready to listen.

"Well it's the gambling capitol of America." I started.

"What is gambling? And this America?" He interrupted.

"Well it's like playing a game, but you put money on your skills, it's very addicting. And as for America, have you never heard of it?"

"I'm afraid not. You see, I'm not really from this world. So my only conclusion is that you are from a different version of my world, or from a different world altogether. Have you heard of parallel universes?"

"Er..yeah.." Was this even a dream? This guy seems to real. Thinking about it too much made my head hurt.

"The fact that you think this is a dream must mean that you're of another world. One I can use to get out of this place." He droned on.

"You lost me." He stood up and began pacing.

"You seem good enough." He began studying me.

"Why are you in my head?" I wondered out loud.

"I'm unsure." I sighed. "On a lighter subject, do tell me about yourself." He sat down across from me.

"Did you know that asking someone that could result in then just drawing a blank?" Was all I actually said. Man what a doof I was being.

"Hm. Well then, tell me, how is your life. Mother? Father?"

"Mom recently got a job with this large company. She's a secretary for the head guy. Before, she was on and off of a lot of jobs. Managed to get us by and all. I don't know my father. Nor do I wish to. He just left and has never made an effort to meet me. So screw him." I felt anger stir.

"Siblings?" He asked.

"I'm an only child."

"As am I. Well, sort of. My situation is a bit different than most normal families. But, answer me this, does your world have magic?" He was all business.

I laughed at him. "I wish. No, no magic. We have science. But I wouldn't call that magic."

"Science? I believe that is what we call Alchemy where I'm from." I cocked my eyebrow at him.

I was about to say something, but my alarm ripped me from the dream.


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