Chapter 26: the park

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As soon as Amos and I stood up, there were Berserkers in the room. They stood next to us, blocking any route of escape. "Really?" I groaned at the situation. Jericho turned around and folded his arms over his chest, a sly smile on his face.

"Sorry, but I just can't seem to trust you. Think of this as a little counter measure of you trying to escape." I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest as well. Amos just stood there, brooding.

As we exited the building, I saw that it was a half finished building. Mainly just cement, perhaps it was in the middle of being taken down. What struck me as odd, was how there was a fully furnished room with food. Guess I didn't understand construction that much. I noticed the field around the building too, it was dead. There was a single dying tree, and no other buildings around. Skyscrapers in the distance showed we were by a city, which meant we were probably downtown or the in the slums.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I wondered. Looking around I saw that the sun was starting to set, leaving the sky a bright orange.

"How about you'll see when you get there." I scowled at the back of Jerichos head.

As we walked further away from the building I noticed more people about. None of them played much attention to us.

In between some building I saw a girl. Our eyes locked together for a moment before she faded back into the shadows. The one thing I noticed about her was a large scar around her neck and some streaking across her face.

"How much longer are we going to walk for?" Amos's voice broke my thoughts.

"As long as we need to," Jericho replied cooly.

"Why so cryptic?" I pouted. Jericho just ignored me.

Could you smack you brother for me? If you don't, I will. I told Amos.

Being bold won't help you you know. I looked over at him, he was trying his best not to smile. I just pursed my lips at him. The back of Jerichos head was so tempting. But, I'd rather not start something. I'm more of a passive aggressive type.

I looked back to the alley way, but there was no sign of anyone there. I wonder if I'd been imagining it.
We'd been walking for a little over an hour, and I was hungry. It sucked being the servant. If one of them were hungry, we'd stop right away, but since it's me that's hungry, I get to just sit here and starve. Also, my legs hurt, my feet were soar and I was tired.

"Your servant is quite loud, no?" Jericho stated.

"Excuse me? I didn't say anything."

"No, but I can hear your voice loud and clear in my head." Jericho wiggled his finger at me.

"There's a lot of room in there for it to be so loud," I mumbled. I needed to work on hiding my thoughts, or a.k.a. the separate rooms trick.

"Never mind her, I'm famished. Let's eat something," Amos suggested. I could feel my stomach growl at me.

"How could you hear me too Jericho?" I thought it was only Amos that could hear me. Plus, Jericho had to do his weird mind breaking voodoo to try to get into my mind.

"I wasn't trying to. You're really loud. Loud enough for even a royal to hear you." I couldn't see him, but I was sure he was rolling his eyes. I stuck my tongue out at the back of his head.

"Jericho," Amos said with force. This made Jericho stop and spin around on his heels.

"Fine. Since you can't wait, we'll find some food. But make it quick." He had a dangerous glint in his eyes. Part of my wanted to taunt him some more.

"We could get some fast food," I suggested. I saw a McDonald's across the street on the corner.

"Fast food?"

"Don't analyze it too much. It cheep and you get it quick. There's one on the corner. With the golden arches." I pointed. Both Jericho and Amos looked in the direction I was pointing in.
This store wasn't one of the newer versions, but it was still pretty nice. We left the beast monsters out side, considering the building wasn't big enough to fit them.

It was busy, per usual, but there was only one person in line ahead of us. He was a heavier set man with rusty red hair. He looked like he chose a shirt that was a size too small, because it was riding up constantly. He was wearing basket ball shorts and those God forsaken Jesus sandals with socks. I overheard him ordering, and it was long. This guy sounded like he was ordering the entire menu.

"So what are you guys getting?" I tried making small talk.

"What is this stuff?" Both Amos and Jericho said. They both sounded displeased.

I sighed, "do you like spicy things? Red meat? Chicken?" Looks like I'd have to order for them.

"I don't like spicy foods," Amos said. I put that in the mental bank. Looks like he'd be getting two cheeseburgers.

"Chicken or red meat? Why not both?" Jericho chuckled to himself. I smiled a bit. He was going to get a spicy and a cheeseburger.

"Ok, let me order." I stepped forward as the red haired guy finished.

"Excuse me?" Jericho sounded deeply offended.

"She's the servant. Let her do the work." Amos held up his hand in front of his brother. Jerichos face fell and he nodded.

The lady behind the counter looked less than happy. Probably due to the guy before me. I smiled sheepishly at her.
The look on both of their faces when they tried the food was priceless. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't tell if it's poorly made or if it's just cheep enough to have a moderate taste," Jericho rattled.

"I like it." I said as I continued eating my burger.
I ended up eating more burgers than I was expecting. Amos and Jericho only wanted one. Why? Because they didn't want the lack of quality to cause any harm to their bodies. Pampered rich kids. More food for me though.

We ended walking a little more and eventually stopped at some park. It was surrounded by large trees. The playground looked like it was used often. Some parts rusting and worn more than others. There was a swing set sitting off of the main playground in sand. It looked relatively newer than the playground. It was dark now, so the street lights were the only source of light. The trees blocked most of the light from reaching the playground though.

"This is the place where we'll cross over into our world," Jericho said flatly. I walked over and sat on the swings.

"What are waiting for brother?" Amos mocked. I just started pumping my legs. I had lt swung in so long.

"Don't mock me brother or you'll be locked up again tonight. I will need another days rest if we are to cross safely. We'll stay in a human 'hotel' tonight. Come." He began walking away with Amos following him. I had to quickly stop and run after them, almost falling flat on my face.
Hello my little darklings,

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Hugs and knives,

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