Chapter 37: matters of the soul

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I had trusted him. Respected him. Hell, I even began to accept my fate. But now, I feel like it was all just a ploy. I didn't really know him, no matter how much I thought I did. And I didn't want to do this anymore. I didn't want to wear the scratchy outfits or be a "slave" anymore.

I thrust open the door to Jerichos room. This startled him. His face turned sour so I said, "I'll do it. I don't want to be a servant anymore." A smile crept onto his face after that. A sinister smile of a man whose plan was working. I didn't care any longer.

"So, how will you do it?"

"First things first slave-" I really hated that word, "-how did you and Amos meet?" A part of me still didn't want to tell him. But another part of me question how this could hurt Amos on any way. So I decided to give him a very vague answer.

"We met in the in between. Apparently I can go there in my sleep. So, he used me to get out." I hoped that was enough. All he did was nod his head, thinking about what I just told him. "So?" I said after a little bit of waiting. He looked up from his daze.

"Follow me," he said mysteriously. I followed him down some long hallways and finally down some dark stairs. It reminded me of some old movie based in a castle. With the cliche stone corridors and stairway. Lined with only the light of torches. It felt so dark, so mischievous. There was no doubt that there was a chill on the air. A chill that sent a shiver through you and made your hairs stand on end.

Once we reached the bottom of the stairs the light became more abundant as to be able to see. But even with the abundance of light, there was still shadows in the corners. Jericho was silent, which was strange for him. It made me a little uncomfortable, making my wrap my arms around my body.

Jericho opened a door to reveal a small room. It was bigger than mine, but it still seemed small. Or perhaps it wasn't. It was so filled with books and papers that it only appeared small. In the corner, at a desk, was a man bent over in work. He was a older man, a little heavier set, and engrossed in whatever he was doing. Only a few candles lit this room.

"Onsal," Jerichos voice echoed. The man stopped what he was doing and turned around. Since he was balding on the top of his head I didn't expect the full grown grey and white beard that was on his face when he turned around. The man had a santa type nose, big and slightly red. His eyes were big and lined with glasses. He reminded me of a scholar.

"This is May. The one I told you about," Jericho introduced me. I waved a little bit, unsure what the man was going to do.

"Ah! The mystery. What a pleasure to meet ya my dear." Onsal had a slight accent it seemed. He stood up, revealing how tall he was, which was tall. He almost touched the ceiling with his head. He walked over to me, and I extended a hand to shake. But he just pushed it aside and grabbed me in a bear hug. I swore I could feel a few bones break.

Jericho cleared his throat and Onsal let me go.

"Sorry las, I get a bit excited seeing new faces. Especially one as peculiar as yours," he smiled.

"Er, thanks?"

"You know, it's interestin, if you're not one of us you're not supposed to be able to become a servant. But here yer are. That answers that question. But now we have another. 'Can it be reversed'?" He walked over to his desk and began digging in some papers. I looked at Jericho for some clarification but his eyes were locked on Onsal.

"So how do you reverse it?" I asked. Onsal turned around, large book in hand.

"Well, you see, I don't really know. But! I have a theory. See, when you become a servant, a little bit of the masters soul goes into you. So, all we have to do is remove it," he beamed.

"Little issue, how do you take out a part of my soul?" His smile fell.

"I can probably do that." Jericho reanimated. I wonder what was going on in his head. He saw my skeptical face and said, "it's hard as hell, yes, but for a human like you it should be easy. I'm exceptionally skilled with matters of the soul," he gave me a sly smile. I still wasn't convinced.

"I thought your skill was beast taming?"

"All higher ups have an affinity with matters of the soul. Why do you think we get servants and common folk don't? Actually applying it to reverse the affects of servitude is impossible with our kind. But, you're not one of use, so it should be easy," he stated confidently.

"If you break my soul I swear to god Jericho," I threatened.

"Please, swear on a made up god. That will really scare me," he said nonchalantly.

"It's a figure of speech. Basically it means: if you break my souls I will kill you," I said sweetly. Jericho pursed his lips at me.

A great, booming, laugh came from Onsal. We both looked at him as he continued his hearty laughter.

"Sorry," he breathed, "I've just never seen someone talk like that to the prince before," he took on a deep breath, "Ah, I like this girl. Got a spirit in her. But be carful las, he may fall for you if you keep it up," he winked, and I could feel my face start to turn red. I could feel the tension rising as Jericho and I stood next to each other. I could aslo feel us slowly separate because of Onsals' words.

"Don't speak such nonsense Onsal. You're getting off track," Jericho scolded. I could tell my face was red, it tended to do that...a lot.

"So...when do we do this?" I wondered.

"Right now." Jericho began popping his knuckles.

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