Chapter 36: the purposal

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My eyes were fixed on the sky. With all the light pollution where I'm from, you could never see the stars like this. They didn't look familiar at all either, it was a completely different world here. But still as beautiful. I must have had a stupid look on my face because TD (short for tweedle dumb) was staring at me.

After a while his staring was getting old. "Can I help you?" I snapped. He quickly looked away.

"You look at the stars as if you have not seen them before," he said sheepishly.

"Because I haven't. They're so pretty," I said in awe. He looked me, surprised. His look faded into a look of realization.

"Forgive me. I forgot you were not from our world." I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing to be forgiven." We sat in awkward silence after that.

I was surprised the palace wasn't  attached to a town. You had to endure a ten minute carriage ride to the nearest town. The town looked medieval. Like, presents in worn clothing, merchants selling and bartering. It was like something out of a book. I was in complete awe, until the royals emerged from the carriage. Amos looked colder than usual, distant. I wanted to talk to him, but I felt it wouldn't do any good, so I kept quiet.

"So this is your little town? Let's go look at some of the dresses!" She squealed. I hoped she couldn't find anything she liked. "Canny! Keep up," she scolded the man next to me.

We followed her to various stores. None of them having what she looked for. There was this one place, a larger store, that had all kinds of dresses. I wouldn't have expected this kind of building in this town, but as we walked through it more, I could see it was much more than it seemed. Some people wore more exquisite clothing, meaning they had wealth. In the distance I could see larger houses with lights on in the house. Electricity?

"Amos darling?" I cringed at her words. "Since we are going to be united in marriage, would you let me borrow your servant to help me get this dress on?" She called from behind the door. I gave him a look of oh-lord-no, but he ignored me.

"Of course," he replied.

Be good. She's probably testing you.

I kept a straight face and entered the room. I never expected to see the princess of darkness struggling into some purple dress.

"Finally. Stop dilly dallying and help a girl out," she huffed.

"Might I suggest, a bigger size if this doesn't fit?" I knew what I said was teetering on the edge, but this dress wasn't meant for her. "I thought I saw a dress that was-"

"Are you, a lowly servant, saying that I'm too fat for this dress?" With her brows knotted together, I felt the anger rushing off of her.

"No. I don't believe you're 'fat'," I air quoted. "I simply believe this style of dress doesn't fit your figure, and therefore won't make you look, er, good. One moment." I exited the dressing room and went to grab the pink dress I had seen when walking in. The truth is that I didn't actually know if it would fit her figure, but it certainly wasn't her size. She was small mind you, but this dress seemed smaller. I prayed the pink dress in my arms would fit.

As expected, when I walked in she squealed in delight, quickly grabbing the dress from my arms. The link on it was shaped as roses with a black back drop. My prayers must have been heard because she fit into it well.

"Looks like you may be useful for some things. I'll let Amos keep you." I was in utter shock by her words. All I could do is stand there and nod silently. Keep me? Who the- I had to stop myself from thinking it.

The ride back to the castle was a silent one. I was surprised by the princesses words. I kept thinking about it. She was thinking of getting rid of me then. Why? Was it because I was a female in the life of her future husband. It's not like I'd ever thought of him that way. Or have I?

I had to quickly turn my face away so that TD didn't see me blush. I had remembered when we were trapped in that closet and I had wondered what it had been like to kiss someone. But that didn't mean anything, I was just curious. I've never actually kissed anyone. Now it seems I never will.

Arriving back to the palace, Amos decided to walk Avel back to her room. TD and I walked silently behind.

"You know Amos, I'm not ecstatic over your decision of a servant. But she does prove useful. Therefore, out of the kindness of my own heart-" I had to keep myself from laughing, "- I've decided to let her marry Cantos." I had to stop myself from throwing up. She wanted me to what? Marry tweedle de?

"Why?" I said before I could stop myself.

"So that you can have children of course. Your children will be the servants of ours. Isn't that right dear?" I felt her words were more of a threat than a question. Amos just stayed quiet. Was he seriously going to force me to marry this guy? For him? Did he think didn't matter.

"Oh I can see it. They'll get married a day before us and then accompany us on our honeymoon," she beamed.

"No," I said.

"Excuse me?" Her demeanor darkened.

"I said no. I won't marry someone for you benefit," I spat. Amos simply starred at us, blankly.

"How dare you. You're a servant. A slave to us. You have no right to-"

"To what? Be my own person? Newsflash Avel, I am my own person." I turned around to storm off when I heard Amos in my mind.

May! He scolded. I winced at his harshness.

"Don't worry. I won't be a servant for long." I ran down the hallway, ignoring Amos's confusion.

Hello darlings! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Life is hectic that way. *symphony of crickets play*. Well...I'll try updating at least once a week....*cue symphony*. Right, well, stay happy and what not. Hoped you liked this chapter. So much is going to happen soon! Can't wait!

Hugs and knives

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