Chapter 25: I'm eating the cereal

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Some time during the night the darkness handcuffs evaporated, leaving me with freed wrists. I, naturally, tried the door, but it was locked. I even tried braking down the door, but I was too weak for that.

I surprisingly fell asleep on the cold cement floor. But, I woke up often during the night.

Are you awake? I received nothing in response.

What time was it? It felt early, but I couldn't tell. I tried looking under the door to see if there was any light outside, but suddenly the door opened.

I looked up to see Jericho standing there, eyebrow cocked and eyes analyzing me. I jumped up so that and cleared my throat.

"What were you doing?" He said apathetically.

"Nothing." I brushed off my clothing. God, how long had it been since I changed my clothes? They'd even formed their own dust.

"Come." He turned around to go. I noticed he didn't put his shackles back on me. Good, my wrists were still sore.

Berserkers lined the halls. None of them looked at us, except one. He looked bigger than the rest and had a monstrous scar down the side of his face. He looked at us menacingly as we walked by. When we were past him, I shivered. I could still feel his eyes on me. 

Once we reached the bottom of the stairs I saw Amos sitting at the little island. I almost ran over to him, but stopped myself. I didn't like that I was so happy to see him.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked. 

"I slept on concrete floor. Not. Good." I glared at Mr. Creep. He just shrugged and walked into the kitchen. 

"I slept tied up to a metal rod. Join the club." Amos turned back to whatever he was doing. I approached him, he was eating cereal. I wanted some cereal.

"I slept wonderfully, thanks for asking," Jericho said surly. 

"Well, no one asked you. Where's the cereal?" I growled.

"Second cupboard," Amos grumbled. I went to look in the cupboard, but Jericho stepped in my path. 

"What makes you think that I'd let you eat my food?" He had a twisted look on his face. 

He was a good head taller than I, so I had to fill the height gap with fake confidence. His black eyes looked at me, analyzing me. Trying to predict what I'll do next. I smirked. I hopped this will work.

"Because, I showed you how to use the fridge, the tv, the stereo-" I began listing.

"You should have done that anyways for me, slave." He interrupted.

"Also," I ignored him, "It's not even your food." I stepped around him as he made a sour face and went for the cupboard. 

"Geez, I'm out of the equation for less than a day, and you two are all over eachother," Amos  said devilishly. I gagged, loudly. 

"Please, refrain from saying such vulgar things brother," he gagged as well. Jericho excused himself and wandered down the hall, disappearing into one of the rooms. 

I poured my bowl of cereal and leaned up against the other side of the island that Amos was on. I eyeballed his actions. He was calmly eating, and not looking at me. I leaned in a bit closer to him. Was something wrong?

"Stop that," he grumbled. I backed off, saying, "What's up with you?" He stopped eating, but still didn't look at me. 

"Everything." He met my eyes finally. That's when I saw it. He had so much worry in his cloudy eyes. The bags under his eyes showed that he hadn't slept at all either, he quickly averted his gaze. 

"Don't worry master-" still felt weird on me tongue, "-I wont let nasty Jericho get to you." I gave him a little smile, but he still didn't look at me.

"It's not me I'm worried about," I said so softly that I almost didn't catch it. I was dumbfounded. Then who was he worried about? Did he have someone in his world that he was worried about. 

"Talking about me behind my back is rude you know." Jericho appeared out of no where. I jumped, squealing a bit. This caused both Amos and Jericho to laugh.

"I hate you both." I said as I grabbed my chest panting. I shoved some cereal in my mouth and stormed over to the tv. I wasn't going to bother with those two right now. There should be some morning cartoons on, and I wanted to watch them. 

After watching the morning cartoons, I had forgotten about the whole thing. Although I was the one not paying attention, but still. I had ended up washing mine, Amos's, and Jericho's dishes from breakfast. It was because I was the "slave," as Jericho put it. What I wasn't expecting was the Berserkers to come down the stairs and fill the room. I grabbed my scar that they'd left, it seemed to almost fizzle when they were around. Like the bubbles from a soda were filling it up. It didn't hurt at least.

"What is this Jericho?" Amos asked sternly. I stepped closer to Amos, ready to do anything, maybe. 

"We have to go to a more weak point in this world. This place isn't the most-" he searched for the word, "-opportune place to travel." I gave a signal with his hands and the Beserkers dispersed, leaving out doors, jumping out of windows, breaking them. "They'll find us place." He gave us a devilish smile. You know, they did kind of act like each other. I bet there is some secret brotherly bond behind their dark demeanor. 

We all sat in awkward silence for almost a half an hour. Until I said, "so how come you can control the Beserkers and Amos cant?" Amos shot me a death glare, but I wanted to know. 

"Because I have a more beast taming darkness. Amos has a specialty to manifest his darkness and see others darkness." Jericho responded, irritated. But wait...

"But you manifested your darkness when you captured us," I said curiously. Jericho was sitting on the couch, arms crossed, legs crossed, and his leg began bouncing irritably. 

"It's not like I cant do it, it just takes a lot more out of me. Also, It wasn't actual manifestation." 

"I can turn my darkness into weapons and such. Like the drill I used to almost kill that perv." Amos pointed out.

"Oh yeah," I remembered. "So, you can't see others' darkness?" Jericho's head snapped up and looked at me with a deadly gaze. 

"No." He looked over his shoulder, as if something was there. I took this opportunity to look at his darkness. I focused in on my skills and then I saw it. It surrounded him like an engulfing flame. I was constantly around him, changing forms like a flame would, but it looked, how do I put it? Dim? That must be what he was talking about when he said that he had drained himself.

"They've found a place." Jericho stood up.

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