Chapter 8: a new outfit

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It wasn't long before we got to school and were surrounded by kids. They were all interested in Amos. And they all, clearly, had the same idea of becoming his friend.

To be honest all of this was a little bit overwhelming, but I ignored it. That was my way with dealing with it. It's not like I can deny it. It's clearly real. The tattoos that cover my body. How I can make them magically disappear. Even my servitude to the dark ass himself.

Before I knew it, I couldn't see Amos anymore. Not that I mind. I could finally do stuff I wanted to do. Like go to class in peace.

Mrs. Shives was still pale, but otherwise looked alright. She didn't even acknowledge my presence in her class. Which was totally alright with me. Math was a blur of confusion and just trying to keep up with the class.

When finally lunch hit, I was beginning to worry about Amos and where he'd run off to. Would he just abandon me? Would I really care if he did? Is he finding others to become his servants? That stopped me cold. I didn't want to admit it, but that though stung more than I realized.

He wouldn't do that to someone else, would he? All these questions spinning in my head, I'd began to drift off in thought. I was brought out if my head with someone calling my name. And the snapping of fingers.

"May. Hellooo. Spacey much?" Bree was looking at me, concern written on her face.

"I'm sorry. What?" I gave her a sheepish smile.

"I said, where's your cousin?" She huffed.

"No idea. Somewhere." I probably sounded crabby, but I didn't care. That creep can do what ever the hell he pleases.

I poked at my squishy sandwich. I wasn't paying attention and had put too much jam on it. Now it's all soggy.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Candice said without whenever looking up from her sketch book. I looked up to see Amos approaching our table. Something was wrong with his face.

"What the hell did you do? Where were you?" I exploded. His hands were in his pockets. He was also out of that suit and into different clothes.

He wore a long purple button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was also wearing a black vest with skinny jeans. Not to mention some bracelets. He looked like he jumped out of an add from some playboy magazine. And he looked good.

No, no he did not.

"I went to what Zack calls 'the mall'." He even air quoted it. "Got some new clothes."

"I noticed," I said unamused. "What is that on you lip?" There, on his bottom lip, in the right corner, was a small black hoop.

"I got a lip piercing. Preston said it would make me look cool." He began smirking. I rolled my eyes. It did make him look edgy, and in turn, cool.

"Glad you agree." He sat next to me. I could feel heat rising in my cheeks. It was impossible to stop. He'd read my fucking thoughts! And my language was getting more atrocious.

"What's for lunch?" He asked me. I handed him the mushy sandwich and began eating my apple slices.

He held it up and frowned at it. He gave me a look like, 'are you serious?' I returned his look with a, 'sure am, eat it.' I hopped I looked threatening. At least he began nibbling it.

"So," Candice attempted to change the subject, "is Mrs. Shives still on your butt?"

"She's been completely ignoring me since yesterday. I mean, finally, that bit-rude woman hasn't been easy on me ever since I entered late to her class and also challenged her lesson material." So I might have slept in a little the first day, and that was also the day Bree couldn't give me a ride. Not to mention she said she would only give out A's to three people on the class. I then proceeded to tell her what bullshit that was. Never have gotten an A, no matter how smart I was. She hated me. With a capital H.

"Well you did make her see her worse fears. Most likely she hasn't fully recovered," Amos rambled.

Say what?

"What does that mean?" Bree and Candice asked simultaneously.

"I just challenged her philosophy of teaching again," I lied.

I mean, that is what you did to her yesterday.

You're going to have to explain this more when we get home.

He frowned when I said that. I couldn't help much chuckle a bit. Bree and Candice looked at me, wanting to explain. I just gave them a smile and continued eating my apple slices.

"How did you pay for your clothes?" I was sure he didn't have any money. Nor did I. "Also, Zack and Patric?"

"Preston," he corrected. "Whatever," I responded.

"Pay? What do you mean?" My jaw dropped. I'm sure my friends did as well.

"Did you not pay for those clothes?" Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

"No..." I smacked my head.

"So what, did you just...take them?"

"Well yes-"

"Oh fuck." I smacked my head again. I didn't have money to pay for those clothes. I couldn't ask my mom to pay for this creeps clothes.

"What's the big deal? Also, I'd appreciate it if you'd quite calling me creep." He seemed so calm.

"May?" Candice squeaked. I looked over and saw her pointing. I looked to where she was pointing and saw two police men standing there. They had a picture of Amos and they were talking to the lunch monitor.

"What should I do?!" I whispered to them.

"Turn him in. I know he's family, but he stole." They were suck goodies. I mean, I would. But he's not even from here. They'd have no way to find him anywhere. Also, I'm his servant, (that was a horse pill to swallow) what would happen to me.

What are you so worried about?

"You see those men? They're here to arrest you. Why? Because you wandered off without me and stole clothes that you have to pay for!" I was trying to keep my voice down. But I was also yelling.

"Zack and Preston said it was fine." He didn't look guilty.

"Well it's not! Don't you ever go anywhere here with out me. Do you understand?" I hissed. His eyes widened.

"Yes." He broke eye contact with me. Good, now that's out of the way. What were we going to do with the police?

There was also the fact that they were walking over here.

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