Chapter 9: humanity is realy just a frail thing

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I turned him around. Hoping they wouldn't notice him.

What are we going to do?

Leave it to me.

I looked at him like he was crazy. He waved a hand over his face and made the features change. At least he did this out of the view of my friends. His jaw baca me fore round and his eyes changed shape and color. His nose bulged more. He didn't look like him anymore. Not bad.

"Excuse me." The officers made it to our table. Amos turned around and smiled at them. "Have you guys seen this kid?" They held up a picture of Amos and two other guys I could only assume we're Zack and Preston.

"Who is that?" I asked. I could feel Bree and Candice basically scaring a hole through my head.

"We don't know. We have already arrested the two that were with him, they went to school here." Both of the officers had stern faces.

"I'm sorry. I haven't seen him." They nodded and walked away. Amos changed his face again

Illusion is another skill of the Dark Prince. He sounded so proud. He just got away with stealing, this guy is seriously crazy.

"May." I winced at the disapproval in Bree's voice. "Could we talk to you for a sec?" My heart sunk.

I got up and followed them to the bathroom.

"Girl, your cousin is a bad influence on you." Candice began. "He made you lie to the cops for him! What were you thinking?" My friends were everything to me. I loved them. They were practically family. And they always looked out for me. They're the only ones I have.

"This guy is going to get you into some serious trouble. Does he have something on you? It's ok, you can tell us anything." Bree sounded so nice. And worried. That broke my heart. I couldn't tell them. They'd never believe me, plus, I didn't want to see their reaction to me saying, 'he's the Prince of Darkness and I'm his dark servant, so I have to lie for him.'

"He's family. I just panicked. I won't let him rope me into anything dangerous. Ok?" That was a lie. I can't disobey him, found that out this morning.

"We're just worried about you." Candice was brooding in the corner. She showed concern differently than Bree.

"I know. But don't worry. It's fine. Really." That's when I left the bathroom. If there was a hell. I'm sure I found it.
Bree was silent as she drove Amos and I home. I could feel the dislike she had for him oozing off of her. Literally. I could feel it. Another power of being a dark servant I guess.

"Your friends dislike me." Amos pointed out as Bree drove away. I simply nodded. I wasn't in the mood to talk. I just wanted to get home and sleep.

Mom was back in her office, so it wasn't hard to sneak Amos up to my room. I quickly picked up my room so mom wouldn't get mad, then headed down stairs to make something to eat. Or, at least, for Amos, I wasn't hungry.

"What is wrong?" He was looking at me with analyzing eyes.


"Don't lie to me. You can't. I can tell something's wrong." He continued to stare. "Come." He scored over on the bed and patted and empty place next to him. "Sit." I obeyed.

"My friends think you're a bad influence."

"Darling. I am a bad influence. You know the reason why those people at school are drawn to me? Because I tickle that little bit of darkness in them." He laughed and leaned back on the bed.

"Are you going to make any of them your servant too?" I couldn't help but wonder. This question was eating at me. This only made him throw his head back with laughter.

"You only get one. And you are my one." He pointed at me.

"I'm flattered," I said sarcastically. "So, why don't I flock to you? My darkness not good enough?"

"Your my servant. In that regard it's like your an extension of me now. You don't need to flock. You have the real thing."

"Then why don't they flock to me?" I pondered.

"Because me. I have more of me than you do." Because that makes perfect sense.

"What do you mean I'm part of you?" That just sounded creepy. He folded his legs and sat forward.

"I mean, when you became my servant you also now share my darkness. Oh, that reminds me. I die, you die as well. Not vis versa though." He gave me a little wink. I rolled my eyes.

"So I'm going to live as long as you? Yay," I faked enthusiasm to be humorous.

"Basically. Get ready for a few hundred years or so to be alive." He was serious when he said that too.

"What?" I was gaping at him.

"Did I forget to mention that our lifespans are longer than humans? I say that because you are more my kind then human now." His lips twisted up into a sinister grin. That's when it hit me. I mean, really hit me. Like I'd been hit with a truck full of concrete.

I wasn't really human anymore.

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