Chapter 12: Q and A

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"Black," he said it like one would say, duh.

"Sorry. Least favorite color."

"Yellow." He didn't miss a beat.

"Bree's favorite color is yellow," I said thoughtfully.

"What is yours?" He asked.


"I can see that." He brought his hand up to his chin and scratched it.

"Alright. Uh, siblings?" I was trying to figure things to ask him.

"I'm an only child. Although, technically I have a brother. He's younger than me though. I can assume you're and only child." He sat up in a more comfortable position.

"Yep." We sat there in silence for a moment. I was staring to get tired.

"What's the story with your mother?" I had closed my eyes.

"She used to party a lot. One day she found out she was pregnant and her life went to hell. Your turn?" It was getting harder to keep talking.

"My mother and father weren't of the dark. They were both of the Earth spirits."

"Does the spirit of your parents determine your spirit?"

"Normally, yes. But not this time. They weren't expecting a dark spirit inhabit me. Let alone a prince level," he explained.

"So there are levels?" I strained to get the words out. I tried to open my eyes but found I couldn't.

"Yes. The most common level is commoner and even lower. It gets more rare when you start hitting lords, Princes, Kings, Queens. You see?"

"Mmhm." Was all I could get out at this point.

Anything he said or did after that was lost on me. I couldn't help it, I had fallen asleep.
A loud knocking on my door woke me up. I remembered is locked it last night.

"May. May! Come on, open up." It was mom. I still wasn't in the mood to deal with her.

"Sleeping." I moaned loudly.

"Fine." I heard her footsteps walk away.

I stretched and then snuggles closer to the body next to me. I was so warm and my bed felt so much better than the floor.


Bed. Body. Was I cuddling with Amos?!

I felt around a bit and accidentally brushed his skin on his stomach. He winced and rolled over. In doing so, he also smothered me and proceeded grabbed me in a bear hug.

I suddenly became aware of my entire body. My arm was wrapped around him and the other pinned down by his bear of a hug. Our legs were intwined.

This is the closest I've ever been to anyone. Period. No boys, no girls. I didn't really like being touched. But this was actually quite comfortable. Other than the extreme red on my face. I just hoped he didn't wake up.

"You're thinking too much again. Sleep." He mumbled into me hair.

"I can't. You're too close," I gurgled angrily.

"Mm. You smell sweet." He said sleepily.

"And you smell like you haven't showered in a few days." He didn't really. He actually smelled like coconut, my favorite.

"Yet you're still laying next to me," he said smugly.

That's when I got up. "Ok, cuddle fest is over."

"Warmth." He held his arms out like a child wanting to be held. I almost gave into him too, but I just got dressed.

When I got out of the closet he had thrown the covers over his head and was pouring like a child.

"Real Prince like Amos." He just huffed in response. I had an idea.

I walked over to the bed. And jumped on it. I didn't hit him, because of the servants mark, but I shook it a lot.

"That was rude." He flung the blankets on top of me and wrapped me up like a burrito. I struggled but it was no use. He had me. "Now apologize." I heard him say.

"Nope." I pushed up on the blanket. In response he pinned my arms down.

"What a shame. If hate for you to be in a blanket for the rest of you life." He said with fake sorrow.

"I bet you'd like that." You creep. I didn't say that part out loud, but I'm pretty sure he'd hear it in his mind.

"Oh dear." I fell off the bed and landed with a thud in the floor. More like pushed. "Now we're even." I didn't argue.

I walked out of my bedroom to go get some food. When I walked down the stairs, mom was waiting for me.


"I don't really want to hear it." I went back up to my room and slammed the door.

"Darn. Couldn't get food?" Amos looked at me with big puppy dog eyes. I shook my head. "So what now?" I looked at the clock. It was noon.

"We wait." I sat on the bed.

"That's going to be boring," he wined and fell back on the bed.

"I have homework. You a book." I pointed to book shelf in the corner.

Amos walked over and began analyzing some of the covers while I opened the window.
We were both bored within an hour. My homework sucked. And his book wasn't interesting to him.

So there we lay. I payed backwards and he layer forwards. Out head in the middle of the bed while our legs either hung off or were laid up against a wall.

"At least at my palace I wasn't a prisoner in my room." He stated.

"At least you don't have to deal with homework," I winded.

"I don't understand why you'd still even go to school."

"Because it provides valuable knowledge." I tried weakly to defend it.

"You're a servant of the dark now. Oh!" He sat up abruptly. "We can train you on your dark arts." He beamed.

"Is that a Harry Potter reference?" I giggled.

"What is Harry Potter?"

"Never mind. Alright. Show me some cool moves." I made my servants mark appear.

"Put that away. The amount of energy for what I'm about to teach you isn't that great," he commanded.

I out it away.

"Now." He brought his hands together. "Let us begin." A wicked smile appeared in his face.

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