Chapter 30: the queens request

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"Yes. The lord is almost done eating and he's instructed that he needs to get somewhere and quick. So go and do your duties." She motioned me forward. I clutched the door knob and noticed Cicil wasn't following me.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"I have other duties to preform. It is your duty to attend to the lord's now. Come and find me once you're done here." Then she walked away. I watched her go with disbelief. Talk about sink or swim.

Why can't you pampered brats dress yourselves? I practically screamed in my head.

It took me a moment, but I finally got up the nerve to enter Jerichos room. His was similar to Amos's', but the drapes in the window were thinner and open, letting the morning light in.

"Cicil, why has it taken so long. I specifically-oh. No wonder it took so long." He finally turned around and saw me. I wanted to slap him.

"If you're going to be a jerk you can dress your pampered butt yourself," I steamed.

"Remind me what I said to you," he mused.


"I told you to behave. Didn't I?"

"You're not my master," I spat. He just laughed and pointed to the neatly laid out clothes on his chair.

"Get over your ego slave. You're a servant. Act like one," he ordered.

"You know, I'll do it. I'll dress you and be a good little servant. But don't you ever forget, that I will never be your slave." I felt his eyes follow me. "And why don't men do this for you?"

"I don't see the difference between you and a man." I stopped.

"Don't be a creep. You can clearly see I have boobs." I walked over to him and held up his shirt.

"Such a vulgar mouth." He glared down at me. He was taller than I, but I still challenged him.

"Take off your shirt already," I grumbled. A wicked smile appeared on his lips.

"And so inappropriate," he mumbled.
Dressing the two dinguses wasn't too bad. They're both jerks, I'll give them that. When my face turned red as a tomato, they both made fun of me. I was going to bleach Amos's hair and dye Jerichos I swear.

I marched back the way I came. I surprisingly remembered the path to get back to the kitchen.

With my arms full of the dishes that once held the great douchebags breakfasts, I entered the kitchen. Everyone was bustling about. Some were plating, others cooking, and some just passing through. Someone quickly came and snatched the dirty dishes out of my hands. It was kind of terrifying just how speedy these guys were.

I awkwardly stood there for a moment before someone noticed me.

"You new?" The man scolded. He gave me a once over with his eyes, making me squirm where I stood.

"Y-yeah," my voice shook. His piercing brown eyes stared at me hard for a moment. "Er, Cicil said to come find her when I was done. Do you know where she is?"

"Cicil? Yeah, she's out in the garden."

"Thanks!" I turned to leave.

"Hey, are you the new royal servant?" He asked before I could leave. It seemed to get really quiet when he said that.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered.

"Hm. Well, the garden is that way if you were wondering." He pointed behind him. "Come one, I'll show ya."

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