Chapter 10: strangers and stranger things

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I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom. While I was in there I revealed my servants mark. I didn't know if that's what it was called, but I liked the sound of it. Servants mark.

I looked at it closely. It snaked everywhere. But it looked broken in some places. I opened and closed my hand. Looking at the way it moved. As I did this, the lights in the bathroom would darken and lighten. I heard something clatter downstairs and I instantly out the mark away.

I decided I wanted some water, and henceforth walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I wasn't expecting what I found.

"Mom?" There she was. The woman who birthed me. In a low cut shit and short shorts laying on the counter. Not only was she laying on the counter, but there was a man standing over her. It was disgusting. Good thing they both had their clothes on still, but I knew what they were going to do. Not to mention the heavy smell of alcohol that hung in the room.

"Oh. Hi sweetie. We were just-"

"Alright mom. Whatever." I covered my ears and ran out of the room.

It wasn't the fact that she brought a complete stranger home. Nor was it the fact that she was about to do on our counter. No, it was the alcohol. She was trying to cut back, she promised she would. Not only that, but she had left without even telling me. I should know where she's going, if only so that I know where the last place she went was. At least she wasn't violent tonight.

I got up to my room and covered myself with blankets. I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.

"What's wrong?" I heard Amos sleepy voice.

"Go to sleep." I wasn't even denying something was wrong.

"I can feel your darkness you know. And another kind of darkness downstairs. Lust? Yes. Definitely lust." He sounded like he had woken up and was slowly drifting back to sleep.

"That would be mother and a mystery man. Just ignore it." All I heard was some mumbling in response.
When I finally fell asleep, it was late. Probably multiple hours from when I'd gone to the bathroom. But the real surprise was when I woke up.

See, I woke up to the sound of grunting. Which was really odd. I thought Amos was having a bad dream. So I got up to see if I could help. Don't know why, call it servants intuition.

When I got up I saw Amos in a violent struggle with, wait for it, the fucking guy from last night!! Amos had him by the neck and was choking him. The guys face was starting to turn purple. Eventually, he lost consciousness.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

"He abruptly woke me up, and tried to, uh, have his way with me. So I, well, I rendered him unconscious." His breathing was heavy. I could tell that shook him. "Lucky I didn't kill him." I could practically see the dark shadows spreading around the room.

"Oh my god." How could have this man known that Amos was here.


"He was planning on raping me." I was ready to kill this bastard.

"He was was he?" A dark shadow came out of the ceiling in the form of a drill. It was rearing up to come down.

"Wait." The drill stopped. "Don't kill him. But give him one hell of a wound." The only reason I didn't want this sack of shit dead was because I didn't want any more trouble with the police.

The drill like shadow came down and...went right through him. Like it didn't even hurt him.

"What the heck?"

"Won't this get you in trouble with those men? The police?"

"Damn. Fine what do we do then?" The anger I was feeling was intense. Not just for the man, but for my mom for brining some random guy into her house, with her child!! "I know what to do. Hide." He got into my closet and I called the police.
When the police arrived I told them what had happened. Well, mostly. I told them that he attacked me and that I then proceeded to choke him. They asked how I accomplished that and I told them he was hungover from drinking the night before.

Mom was nice and hungover as well. As well as surprised to find police at the house and her lover being dragged away in hand cuffs.

I've also been informed that this wasn't the first time this guys done this. Accept the first two girls weren't so lucky.

Finally, after they left, mom didn't even stick around to talk to me. She just went back to her office and began working.

I made some food for Amos and I. When I walked into my room I found him on the bed. Crossed legged and crosses arms.

"I made some fruit salad and pancakes." I offered them to him. He took it, and started picking at it. "Are you ok?" I asked.

"I've never personally been a fan of the darkness that man emitted. I mean, I don't really care. But no one tries to rape my things." He angrily took a bite of his pancakes.

"Glad I'm your property." I said flatly. I ate one of the grapes.

"Property? Don't you remember anything? No, you're like a part of me." I made an 'o' with my mouth and continued eating.

"If that didn't sound so creepy, I'd say that's almost sweet."

"Don't you have school today?" He completely changed the subject.

"Nope. Ugh. It's getting stuffy in here let's walk somewhere." I was starting to get restless, and I was also not really wanting to be in my home any longer.

"Agreed." I grabbed his plate and took him downstairs.

I got dressed and decided to walk to the mall.
Yo. (Nice Aubrey. Good and casual greeting). What is up? (Nailing it!) so I'm was interested in feed back. I mean, if you've gotten this far into it I can assume you're reading because you like it. If no, let me know! I love reading comments, the oh so few I get.

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Knives and murder,

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