Chapter 44: today

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Are you awake? I called out to Amos, but there was no reply. So I just tried to sleep but my dreams were full of monsters and screaming. Most of it was blurry and confusing, but it kept me alert.

I got up in the morning feeling like I hadn't slept at all. I even got up before Cicil could knock on my door. I ate breakfast alone and tried to think, but my mind drew blanks, the gross gruel didn't help. It's not like I could do anything about Cantos, even though I wanted to.

Before I could stop myself, I went through all the things I could have done. How could I have been so weak? I could have beaten his ass right where he stood, but I was panicking. Was I really so weak? I hated that feeling, and it only made me want to beat him up more.

I grabbed both Amos and Jerichos breakfast, not caring that they both weighed a lot. I was carrying one in each hand, I guess I didn't want to feel weak anymore.

Why doesn't Jericho have a servant to do this? I stopped for a moment, contemplating my own thoughts. Why doesn't Jericho have a servant? Now I was curious. Was it because he really detests us? Or is it something like he actually haves a soft spot and doesn't want to "own" someone. I immediately disregarded that idea, he was too heartless for that. Then again, he did save me from Cantos, although he simply believes that I should still marry him.

With my mind racing, I almost walked past the two princes bedrooms. My curiosity was killing me. So, I'd just have to end up in Jericho room.

I quickly gave both the princes their breakfast and laid out their clothes, so that I could ask Jericho my question.

"So," I began coolly, "why don't you have a servant to do this?" I tried sounding nonchalant. Jericho just made a strange huffing sound with his mouth.

"You're my servant."

"No I'm not, I'm just here because you don't have one." I mentally gave myself a high five.

"Why do you want to know?" His eyebrow began to rise.

"I'm just curious, jeez," I huffed. I should have figured that this was pointless. If he didn't want to talk, he wouldn't. Before I left I said, "thanks, by the way."

As I finished dressing Amos, Avel came barging into his room.

"Alright, darling. I'm taking your servant out to get a wedding dress, hole you don't mind," she squealed with delight.

Don't make me marry that man Amos, I made one final plea. He gave me a look, that I ignored.

"Of course. Have fun," he brushed off. She make a gleeful noise.

I instinctively looked around for Cantos, making sure he wasn't within eyesight, or I might have just tore him a new one. Luckily for him, I didn't see him.

"Where's Cantos?" I asked before I thought about it.

"Why? Curious as to where your lover is off to?" She giggled a little. I tried my best not to groan out loud. I had been sexually targeted by two men now, I was getting sick of men.

All Avel ever talked about was herself or something that involved her. I just simply nodded in agreement and tried to be as nice as possible to her.

When we finally arrived in town, I was in awe, again. I don't know why, but I loved this little town. Perhaps because it reminded me of the books I used to read. Now that I think about it, it's how I imagined a small town like this would look.

What puzzled me was the fact that she already knew where the clothing stores were. As far as I knew, we'd only come once into town and only hit, like three stores.

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