Chapter 6

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Why is he reacting like this?

"Uhmm. Yeah." I don't know what else to say as we stand in the doorway.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think there would be a problem"

Harry rakes his hand through his hair. He locks the front door walks down the few stairs to the lobby. I follow close behind.

"I... "Harry begins but stops.

He opens the car door for me and watches me carefully as I get in. He closes the door and mumbles as he walks over to his side. He gets into the car and turns to me.

"I dated Tori before you. She invited me to dinner one day because she thought we were going good but then I broke up with her during dinner that night. I was such a jerk, not only did i do it that special night but i also did it in front of her whole family. "

I take a minute before I respond.

"You ARE a jerk. How could you? I hope you don't pull that shit with me or I will find your ass and beat it. Why did you break up with her in the first place? "

"Because you bumped into my car." his voice almost a whisper.

"What? "  he broke her heart because I bumped into his car... WTF

"I knew you were the one Tammy. You stole my heart. I took a few days to try and get over you but I couldn't stop thinking about you. What you were doing. What you were wearing. I finally went a day without wishing I would see you again when we bumped into each other. I just didn't want to stay away from you. I felt bad about two timing Tori. I know we weren't together yet but we were in my head. So that night I broke up with her."

Harry's face is flushed pink but his eyes are serious.

"Oh wow!" is all I can say. I've never heard him say anything like that before.

"Yeah. Well I guess we should get going then. " Harry's voice is calm and careful.

"Yeah" I mumble back.

The ride there is silent but not awkward. When we arrive Harry pulls up onto the driveway and opens the door for me.

"I really think I should just leave you here and go draw shit with Zayn. " Harry says closing the door carefully.

"No! I think you should stay with me and try and make amends with Tori. "  I try and lead him to the house but Harry stands next to his car as if he would jump in and speed away any second.

"Tori and I are cool. It's her parents I'm worried about. "

Harry slides his fingers through his hair again.

"Hey you two!" Tori's voice startles me.

"Oh hay." I answer turning to face her.

"Hi" Harry greets.

After going inside and the exchange of gifs and many many hugs from Tori's loving family we are seated and served a delicious dinner then the questions start after dinner and all the way through desert.

"So you live with your parents, uhh Tammy." Tori's dad asks while handing his wife his plate.

"No not actually. My mom is in California and my dad is in Germany."

"Oh, what do they do? "

Tori's mom enters with a apple pie.

"My mom is a lawer and my dad does they architectural designs for car factories all over Germany" I answer while I plate a piece of pie.

"That's lovely. You must not see them often." Tori's mom says while pouring wine.

"Naah. It's okay though "

I look down remembering the day my dad phoned me while I was in the car. I got such a shock I bumped right into Harry's car. I had ran away-if you can call it that-for more than two months then. He found me and almost dragged me back to Germany with him. I told him I didn't want to be with a cheater. Both my mother and him were seeing other people and that's what got my fed up and I caught a plain here to London. Before I left they both used the same excuse for why they 'moved on' , because they weren't married in the first place and that they only lived together,  yeah for 12 or more years.

"Tammy?" Harry pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? "

"So are you studying here or what? " Tori's dad asks.

"Well I got transferred to the art gallery here from the one I worked at in California. I take some classes on the internet." I answer before stuffing my mouth with pie.

"Well you and Harry make a wonderful couple" Tori says unexpectedly.

"Thank you" Harry says before I can.

The rest of the night flies by with laughing, talking and later on dancing and drinking at the party.

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