Chapter 19

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"Stupid fuck" Harry hisses as he starts the shower.

"He thinks just because he's single now he can go around stealing other people's girlfriends" Harry says while hanging the towels and reorganizing the most of the bathroom.

I sit on the closed toilet seat watching him.

"What? He's single? " I ask. What happened to Perrie? Not that I care what happens to that two faced...

"She broke up with him because they were both sleeping with other people... She said it was 'unhygienic' "

"Her fucking face is unhygienic" I mumble softly.

"What? " Harry half laughs.

"Nothing. Open a window, the steam is getting a bit much. "

Harry frowns but opens the window anyway.

" Do you want to shower first?" Harry asks.

"No, after you..." I bow my head and extend my arm, palm up, towards the running shower.

"Up to you" He shrugs and starts to shimmy his wet shorts down his slender but muscled legs.

I look away and smile at how casual he is about nudity.


"Come in with me." Harry begs a second time.

"No" I answer flatly.

I'd already explained why twice.

"C'mon" He nags.

"I'm hungry, hurry up or I'm showering somewhere else"

"Where are you gonna shower? " Harry laughs

"Maybe at Zayn's " I narrow my eyes, eager to hear his answer.

"He wouldn't live to tell the tale" Harry says sternly.

We both begin to laugh.

"Just come in with me." He whispers.

"Why you whispering?" I yell. Annoying him.

"Fine. I'm getting out. You win." Harry steps out of the shower and the door closes with a click.

"Finally" I moan. And I can't help but stare at Harry's body.. the droplets that cascade over his shoulders.

The muscles on his back making the skin move in beautiful patterns. My eyes move down to the two faint dimples just above his coccyx. A white towel is wrapped around his waist and his legs glistening from the warm water.

He turns and I see his deep 'V'. My eyes following these profound and perfectly chiseled dents-if I can call them that. My eyes, engrossed in his body travel up to his flat stomach,  muscles standing subtly under the skin like gradual contour lines. His chest almost equally flat except for his pecks.

After smouldering over his body I see his eyes fixed on mine.

For a moment I look at every detail on his face.

His slightly upturned and sweetly pointed nose to his pink plump lips.

Those eyes that are concentrated on mine. Those crystal clear green eyes and the beautiful lengthy lashes that are shaped in a upturned curve standing on half closed eye lids.

And lastly, probably the most attractive and overwhelmingly cute feature. Harry's dimples. The God given sweet smile that allows then to emerge is the only thing I need to lift my spirit.

That smile is on his face now, and those dimples almost seem as if their winking at me.

"Sorry" I say finally looking away from him.

"You know... it's kind of unfair that you get to interrogate my body like that and I don't even get a shower in return" Harry's lips are still turn up and his eyes look down at me.

"Remind me when we don't have guests" I say standing up.

"You're probably right..." His lips press against my forehead and he side steps and leaves the room.


Harry's P.O.V

I leave the bathroom because I know that there's no way that she's gonna do anything with me in there.

I walk to my room and get dressed.

A white printed t-shirt and my favorite torn faded black jeans. I decide to wear sneakers because Tammy likes them.

I'm almost downstairs when I remember Tammy doesn't know where my room is so I turn back and knock on the door.

"Hay Tam? My room is right at the end of the passage. " I say.

"Cool. Thanks" she yells back.

I go back down to find Niall and Zayn wrestling for the remote.

"Why the fuck are you two wankers here? " I ask from behind them.

"Well it's nice to see you too " Zayn rolls his eyes and turns on the tv.

"I didn't know that you two would be..." Niall explains.

"Well you should have called" I cut him off.

"We did" he defends.

"Leave" I say walking across the foyer to open the door.

"Ahh c'mon" Zayn wines.

"Now! " I raise my voice.

"Why? " Niall asks.

"I'm in the middle of a date right now!" I yell. Then soften my voice.

"I just want to make it nice for her and having you two around doesn't help. She's just not used to you guys yet"

"She can't get used to us if your always keeping her away..." Zayn  mumbles.

"Let's just go man. " Niall says while punching Zayn's arm.

They get up and leave.

"Have fun." Niall winks and Zayn says nothing.

"They're leaving?" Tammy's voice startles me.

"Uhm yeah... they just came to say hi. They're heading to Niall's for supper. " I lie.

"Oh. "

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