Chapter 23

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Tammy's P.O.V

Harry leaves with his dad straight after we land and I have to drive with annoying high pitched voice Natalie for one and a half hour.

"So, you and Harry are still together" Natalie wines as we hit the highway.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question her emphasis on 'still'.

"Oh nothing, I just didn't expect you two to last that long. You're very different people" She explains.

"No one expects half the things that actually happen to me." I sigh and continue.

"We're not that different actually. We might look like it physically but we're not."

Why am I explaining this to her.

"Well then I shouldn't have assumed the worst for you two"

The rest of the ride is pretty quiet apart from the radio and random questions every now and then.

I'm very appreciative that she didn't talk about Harry and I again after that.


An hour and a half later we turn into a small street and into a cul de sac.

"This is us." Natalie smiles brightly as the huge black gate to our right opens.

She drives down the cobble stone driveway. The garage opens automatically. She parks inside and turns the car off.

"Okay. " I ready myself and get out of the car.

"Your bags will be in your room in a few minutes." Natalie screeches.

I really can't fathom how my father is around this human whistle all the time.

"Thanks" I rub my hands down the length of my jeans and stand awkwardly in the silence.

"Oh, come. This way" Natalie leads me through the 4 car garage and through a door over to the right. We enter into a huge-I mean huge-kitchen like place.

"Honey! George! We're here!" she yells. I'd rather stick toothpicks down my ears than listen to that again.

"I'll be right down love" I hear my father yell back.

Natalie strolls away from me,  leaving me at the kitchen door.

"Rude much" I whisper.

"Make yourself at home. He should be down any minute" Natalie tells me. Her voice echoes through the house.

I'm hungry. Ummm, what's in this colossal fridge?

"Tammy! My angel. How's my only daughter?" My father almost topples down the stairs in his hast.

"I'm good. " I smile. Some what pleased to see a familiar face.

"...hungry actually." I continue.

My dad walks around the counter to hug me and then hold me at arms length and study me. His eyes fall on my neck.

"Well, thank God they're stars not skulls or something like that boy's. You've left him I assume" His face is completely serious.

I step back, his hands falling from my shoulders.

"As I said I'm hungry." I turn and open the fridge as I originally intended.

"So you're with him. It's not that I don't like him. I'm just scared for ya, my love. I know boys like him"

"Just because he has tattoos doesn't mean he's a bad person. I have a tattoo too." I reply quietly.

"But his are, evil lookin' ."

"He has those for a reason. He's been through a lot and I don't appreciate you judging him so unfairly before even getting to know him...

...And by the way he also has some very sweet ones with positive meanings and... yeah" I know exactly what my father is thinking so I cool down before he thinks up a witty come back. I know him,  that's what he does.

"And I don't want to fight because I miss you and I intend to spend the next few days repairing our relationship" I say closing the fridge and trying my best to smile.

"Yes! " He smiles enthusiastically back at me.

"Don't eat to much Greg darling. We're having lunch with Robin Twist later" She interrupts.

"Yes I know Natalie. I wasn't eatin' " He reminds me of Niall with the Irish accent.

I laugh.

"What's funny? " He asks, amused himself.

"No, you just remind me of my friend" I laugh again and feel a bit better, a bit more at home.

"Let me show ya t' your room. "My father leads me up the stairs and right down a passage to a huge room.

"We're right above ya, yeah? I'll show ya everythin' after lunch.

Well I'll leave ya t' get settled" He smiles warmly, hovering briefly in the doorway then turning on his heel and leaving.

My bags are in the room as promised. I unpack them, wishing Harry was here to do it neatly for me.

I scratch in my bag for my headphones, pull them onto my head, turn the music up and lie across the bed.

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