Chapter 27

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Harry's P.O.V

I walk up the driveway and when I reach the door I hear a car's breaks screech.

"I have to go get her." I say.

How could I do that. Louis told me I have to have more authority in the relationship but now she's walking around alone at nine o'clock at night.

"I have to go get her" I say louder.

"No, don't worry about her. She needs to learn." Louis pats me on the back.

"I'm proud of you!"

"You're proud that I chased her away? How could anyone be proud of that Louis?

THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS WALKING IN THE ROAD ALONE!" Anger was boiling inside of me.

"Come inside, drink something then we'll go get her" He says guiding me through the door.

"Eleanor! Get Harry something to drink, I'm gonna get dressed" Louis yells.

"Okay! " Louis disappears up the stairs.

"Come here lovey" Eleanor takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen.

My hand should be holding hers. What if somebody nabs her from the sidewalk and drags her into the bushes.

Eleanor makes some drink and all I can think about is the screeching sound of those breaks. What if they stopped to kidnap her.

"Here you are" she slides the glass towards me.

I'm about to take a sip when I hear sirens. Oh My God! She's dead.

"Must be something on the highway. Drink up!" She pushes the glass to my lips.

I glare at her and pour the suspicious liquid down the drain.

Just then the doorbell rings.

I run to see if it's her.

I open the gate and Niall's car pulls in.

He runs up to me.

"Hey mate! Sorry I'm late. Left home a bit late and I had to stop to help some people just up the road here. " He says walking through the door.

"What happened?" Perrie asks.

"Someone got knocked over, she looked a lot like Tammy but I knew Harry would never... " He looks around the room and then to my face.

"... you would never let her walk around alone at this hour " he continues slowly putting the pieces of our grave faces together.

'I have to go get her' plays over in my mind.

She's dead. They hit her and now she's dead.

I run out to the driveway.

"Open the gate" I yell, just as she did.

"Mate, she's gone"

Oh God, she's really dead.

"Open the fucking gate Niall! " Hot tears stream down my face.

It opens and I run down the road. I see the lights. I turn the corner and I find the stationary car and the ambulance.

"Oh my God!  I hope she's not dead" I hear the driver say.

"Where is she? "

"Ambulance" she says through sobs.

I run towards it but it pulls away. I keep running, I have to get her. I have to see her.

Niall's car pulls up next to me.

"C'mon, get in. We'll follow them"

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