Chapter 30

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Harry's P.O.V

I'm pacing up and down the hospital waiting room. Niall is on the phone with Olivia who's panicking and asking Niall to come pick her up.

Meanwhile my pacing is wearing away the floor beneath me.

"I'm gonna go pick her up quickly. Call me if anything happens" Niall tucks his phone into his back pocket and stares at me, waiting for me to answer.

"Yeah whatever. Go! "

As he leaves my name is called. At first I ignore it because I think it's my imagination, but the second time I hear it more clearly and turn to see the I-refuse-to-stop-smiling woman looking at me.

"You can go see her if you'd like. She's stable." Her smile couldn't be any brighter, its as if she just got married.

'Pssht, if I'd like... no because I'm pacing like am idiot for no reason' I think.

"Where is she?" I bark instead.

"Second door to your left. "

I follow the directions and stop outside the door. I take a breath and open it.

"Ouch! Yeah, it's sore. Would you stop touching it already!" I see her but she hasn't seen me yet. Her brown hair lies on her shoulders and her bang is sticking to her forehead from the sweat.

A hand removes the hair from her head and a smile appears on her face.

My brain takes a while to register and realize that the hand wasn't mine.

My eyes shift slowly across from her to a tall olive toned guy. His crystal blue eyes contrast with his tone.

My brain isn't processing fast enough because I linger on the strange colour of he's eyes failing to see the very eyes I'm starring at, turn to stare at me.

Everything fast forwards right then. My eyes skip between her and him. She looks straight at me, frowns and carries on talking to the stranger.

Confusion masks my pain as I notice some of the bruised areas on her. Her busted lip. I'm sure the rest of her body is the same.

"Tammy? " I call out. She doesn't move, she just looks at the godlike creature before her.

"Who is he? " He talks, wow.

"I don't know. " Ouch. I was hoping she wouldn't remember what I did to her, but she does and now she's pretending not to know me because of this jack ass I'm-sexy-worship-me guy standing here.

'Why do I keep doing that?'

I walk towards her bed.

"Could you please excuse us for a minute"

"Uhh..." He looks at her for confirmation.

She nods and I release a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Okay then. Check ya later babe" He winks at her and she smiles while he exits the room.

"Hi" Is all I manage. Wait, did he just call her babe?

"Well, didn't expect to see you here."

"Why wouldn't I be here?" Am I really asking that question?

"Oh, maybe because... uhm I don't know, I should grow up and get myself bumped by a car and then nurse myself back to health... I mean because that's what you wanted me to do right? "

"C'mon, I didn't mean that..."

"Don't 'C'mon' me Harry! If you didn't mean it then why did you say it? "

"I... I was just"

"Rhetorical question love" She's firing at me, and I have a feeling she has an unlimited amout of ammo.

She closes her eyes and sighs. Almost as if out of defeat.

"Make yourself useful seeing that you're here. Please pour me some water. "

"Sure" I would love to yell at her as well but this is all my fault so...

"Thank you" She smiles, I hand her the cup but she takes it with her left hand instead of her right hand that's tucked under the pail blue bed sheets. I frown, not understanding.

"I think it's broken or something... I dunno." She lifts her right arm that's secured with a cast.

Horror spills across my face.

"It's fine Harry, I've always wanted to break something. I like the attention it attracts. " Her angelic smile warms her watery eyes. The tiredness in them is evident but she fights the sleep every minute. I almost hope it's because she wants to stay up to talk to me, or cuss me out... either way, she's awake and we're together.

"Well I guess there's an upside to the whole situation. " I force a laugh out, it takes everything in me and I feel as if I've aged at least ten years.

She lets out a dull cough thing that I guess is a laugh as well. She's trying as hard as I am to act okay.

She looks down at her fingers in her lap and her face becomes serious.

"Harry." She begins. I walk towards her from the opposite side of the room and sit on her narrow hospital bed. I have a feeling this is important.

"I'm sorry for being all needy and stuff, especially around Louis. He just... I dunno... he makes me doubt us" I duck down as see tears collect like puddles on the brim of her eyelids.

"It's fine I understand, please don't cry." I shift closer to her and hug her. I'm relieved when she hugs me back.

Then the double doors of her hospital room burst open.

"HARRY! Thought you'd be here mate! Ah.. Tammy you alright?"

Oh God...

Fucking Louis!!

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