Chapter 14

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"Its all cool, just go." she tells me.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

I watch her swallow pain killers and she slides under the covers.

"I'm tired and I won't be awake until tomorrow afternoon. Look at the time Harry. It's late, go home"

I take a look at my watch. 11:30.

"Yeah okay. Call if you need anything"

"I will. Thanks" Tammy's voice is thick with sleep.

I take a last peek at her before closing the door. Her eyes flutter open and look at me. Her smile submerging the fatigue in her eyes.

"Oh, and Harry... I love you" The words slip so beautifully and easily from her lips. I want to kiss them.

Without thinking my legs are moving and my left knee is propped on her bed and I hover above her using my arms for support.

"I love you" I say before separating my lips and kissing her.

"Didn't I tell you to get away from me" Tammy whispers in my ear.

"Yeah but ..."

"But nothing. I need to sleep, doctors orders." She says while pulling away from me, a sweet smile on her face.

"Fine " I breath and get off the bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow then? "

"Yes! " Tammy replies with her eyes closed. So I turn off the light and close the door.

Tammy's P.O.V

I wake to my phone vibrating on my pedestal.

"Hello?" I answer.

"You feeling better love? " It sounds like Louis.

"What? " I ask a bit confused and still half asleep.

"Come on babe. You telling me that the glass didn't cut you. Coz that would be a real disappointment" Louis' speech is slurred. He's obviously drunk.

"Well seeing that you're not hurt why didn't you come to Harry's party?"

"Harry's party? What party?"

"Last night. At his place. We're all super wasted, let me tell you. Harry was ace with the drinks, won all the games he did. I'll send you pictures." I hear a loud roaring laugh and then the phone is dead.


My phone beeps.

The images come through.

All of them are of Harry.

Except he's drunk and sitting on he's couch with two strippers dancing in front of him.

* He really looks like he's enjoying himself, don't ya think? *

 Louis texts reads

I don't reply. I don't know what to say. All I can do is stare at the pictures.

"He's wearing the same clothes! Just look at him! Sitting there! The jerk even has the nerve to call me. I swear I could kill him. "

My throat is sore from shouting and crying all at the same time.

I walk up and down in Tori's bedroom while she tries to calm me down.

"Just relax. He would never..."

"He's doing it right there! Can't you see, Dammit Tori!" I yell and her bedroom door opens.

We both look immediately to see who it is.

"Speak of the devil." Tori says with a stupid smile on her face.

Why the hell is she smiling. Ugh!  This child is just to happy for me to handle. Jeez.

Harry closes the door behind himself and before he can turn back around I'm walking towards the other side of the room and he follows.

"Hey Tammy!  I've been calling..." I flinch away from his touch.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"As if you don't know" I growl.

"Come see this." Tori calls Harry over and shows him my phone.

"Who sent this to you? " He asks.

" Louis" I say while folding my arms and continue watching the rain fall outside.


"I know what you're thinking. And I don't blame you... " He starts slowly.

"...But can I please tell you what happened 10 minutes before these pictures were taken? " Harry asks me whilst sitting down in a chair close to me.

"Fine" I saying sitting next to him.

He begins.

"I came home and found that Louis had made he's own party. He wouldn't leave until I tried he's new mix of alcohol.

He said it was a harmless mix of juices with a touch of gin...

After lots of arguing I agreed and I drank it...

It was extremely powerful. I was immediatly intoxicated. All I remember was sitting on the couch with Louis and music started playing, we were having a conversation and then I woke up there on the couch...

I saw some of the pictures from last night and I look incredibly drunk but please believe me... I wasn't conscious. I'm sure Louis was positioning me and taking the pictures for whatever reason... Please just believe me Tammy. I would never..."

I believe him instantly, I don't want to but I do. I don't want to be a push over but I believe every word he says because I believe that Louis would do something so horrible to Harry just to get at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you. It was just... the pictures.. and I just woke up and ... I'm sorry and I believe that you didn't do it." I stand up and so does he and we hug. I feel him resting his head on mine as he cradles me and rocks slightly from left to right.

"Okay so that's sorted. Now can I get on with my life? " Tori sudden comment reminds me that she's here.

"Well seeing that you're here why don't you come with Liam and I to the mall. We're meeting Olivia and Niall there. They've got some news to tell us" Tori speaks while checking her strawberry blonde hair in her heart shaped mirror.

"We don't want to intrude..." I begin.

"Don't be silly Tammy" she says dismissing me with her hand.

"I think it sounds lovely" Harry says squeezing me into his side.

"Let's go! Liam's downstairs anyway"

I grab my phone and slide it into my pocket.

"Wait! I don't have my bag here. "

"What would you need your bag for? " Harry asks.

"Uhh. Money" Like duh, donut.

"I got it covered." He says with a smile and leads me downstairs with his hand hovering on my lower back.

"So where we meeting Olivia and Niall?"

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