Chapter 16

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It's been two weeks since I got two little stitches in my arm and two weeks since sitting with Harry and our strange friends.

It's Monday morning and I have to go to work.

I force myself up and switch on the coffee pot on my way to the bathroom. I almost stop when I see Harry sitting there on my couch. But I pretend I didn't see him and I continue to the bathroom.

I'm in the shower when there's a knock on the bathroom door.

"Yes? " I answer

"What you doing today? " Harry questions. I can hear a light tapping of a beat on the door.

"I'm going to work" I say while foaming my hair.

"Oh" disappointment is thick in his voice.

"I'm free for lunch" I say encouragingly.

"Okay. I'll see you then." I hear footsteps walking away. I almost think he's leaving.

"You want some cereal? " He yells.

"Yeah. I mean, yes please" I correct myself.

When I get to my room Harry is lying on my bed quietly listening to the music on my phone.

I walk straight to my cupboard and pick out a black suit with a white blouse and black shoes.

"Don't look. " I blush at the thought of dressing in front of Harry.

"What? "

"Don't look or get out" I say sternly.

"Oh. Okay"  Harry turns around and faces the window as I get dressed.

"What do you wanna eat for lunch" He asks turning around.


"I totally forgot. I'm sorry." I hear him snickering as he turns back around.

I pull my pants up and slip into my blouse. This time I face him and watch that he doesn't move an inch.

I'm buttoning my blouse when he speaks again.

"You know this song. Wake me up by Ed Sheeran... "

"Yeah" I answer. I'm getting slightly irritated because I have to redo my buttons because I buttoned them skew.

"It reminds me of us... Well except you have brown eyes.

And I don't smoke.

And we don't drink.

And I haven't taken you to the beach...

Do you even like Shrek?

Plus your an only child.

Nevermind... we're nothing like this song."

Harry carries on talking and I forget to listen.

I put on my jacket and my shoes and sit infront of the mirror to do my hair and make-up.

"You do your hair after you dress?" Harry asks.

"Uhm. Yeah. I don't know why. I'm very disorderly like that" I answer while I brush my wet hair into a tight bun. Hiding my dip dyed tips.

"What time do you finish at work? "


"I'll be there at 3:45"

"Okay. What are we doing tonight? "

"You'll see" Harry smiles at my in the mirror and I smile back.

"What's the time? I have to go. I feel late. "

"I'll drive you." Harry tells me.

"How come your so generous today? " I grab my phone and my bag and we head to the door.

"Your cereal..." Harry moans.

"Just leave it.. Lets go"

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