Chapter 40

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With nothing to change the subject to, we walk in silence as I grab the last of the things I need.

When we reach the counter the guy at the till greets us in German and Louis responds and a little conversation sparks between them while I stand there, mouth open.

"What? " Louis asks me when he sees my face.

"Nothing. I just remembered, I need wine." I making something up,  but seriously I do need wine.

"Go get some." he says while unpacking the trolley.

"No,  you're older. you go. " I whisper harshly. The old lady from earlier is behind us and I could of sworn she was giggling again.

"Fine. What type?" Louis looks down at me, standing a bit closer so the lady doesn't hear.

"Any Merlot, doesn't matter which one" I try and whisper.

And with that Louis vanishes into the store.

I continue unpacking and the guy scans the items. Louis returns and hands the bottle to me. I stare at it with thirsty eyes.

"Your such an alcoholic." Louis laughs loudly making everybody, well just the three other people in the store, stop and stare.

"Shut up" I hit his shoulder.

The old lady behind us could just go to the next till but she stays behind us.

Once we're done paying Louis and I rush out of the store as if we both wanted to get away from the scary old lady.


"I'm not upset with you." Louis breaks the silence halfway home.

"What? " What is he talking about?

"Earlier, in the store, I'm not upset because most people think we're dating." He slows down his speaking pace drastically at the end.

"What were you upset about then, because obviously you were upset about something" I look out of the window to the familiar street.

"I was upset because..." He stops and turns into my driveway, rings the doorbell waits for the gate to open,  then continues.

"... it will never happen" he looks at me and I'm not sure what he means.

"What do you mea..." A knock on my window stops me mid sentence.

"Tammy! " It's Pascal.

"Who's that? " Louis asks when I roll my eyes.

"My little cousin" I sigh.

"I should leave" Louis eyes get bigger as they focus on something behind me.

I turn to see my Aunty Stella. Face plastered in make-up, looking like a sun dried tomato. No wonder he wants to leave.

"Oh no!  Please stay, please... I'll die with these two here. I'll cook and then we can leave. Please just keep me sane" I beg him

"Okay okay, fine! " He opens his door at the same time as me.

"Hi Pascal! Aunty Stella" I smile.

She bear hugs me and Pascal clasps my legs while I hear Louis snickering behind me.

"This is my..." I begin

"Your boyfriend I'm sure. You must be Harry,  charming boy you are." She smiles and bear hugs him as well.He's eyes screaming for help while I stand back and laugh.

"Oh that's not Harry " I laugh.

"That's my friend Louis " I explain.

My Aunty doesn't detach herself from him for another half-a-minute.

"Nice to meet you son" she winks at him and walks off to the front door.

"Oh God" he grunts.

"You can say that again" I laugh at him as he stretches his previously squeezed arms out.

We hover around the car for a while before I remember that I need to start cooking.

"Let's get cooking" I walk towards the boot where the groceries are but Louis' mind is obviously somewhere else.

He's staring at the house when I whisper, "Louis!"

He turns and looks at me.

"Tammy, I really don't think it's a good idea for me to be around you." He comes close and looks me in the eye.

"I like you and being around you like this, without pushing you away... without trying my utmost to hate you, makes that like or even love grow. And going down that road is potentially dangerous with you being the only girl he's actually loved since Jade"

He has lost me now.

       The confession of love made my heart flutter, made me feel nauseous and excited at the same time. But bringing Harry into it made me remember that feeling this way for Louis is wrong. Then I completely lost track of everything when he said Jade.

"Who's Jade?"

He loves me, he loves me notWhere stories live. Discover now