Chapter 36

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Harry's P.O.V

"Is she coming?" Louis asks me as I enter his place.

"No. She's gone." I'm angry, beyond angry that she left without saying goodbye. Or waiting till Louis could tell her everything and I could explain to her why I couldn't tell her before.

"What? " Louis doesn't sound as hurt as he's face is acting.

"Louis! You have to understand me okay? You have to leave us alone. She'll be back in a month or two and we're going to start over and you either need to get over what ever is wrong with you or you have to stay away from the both of us. I'm so serious right now... " I close my eyes and refrain from breaking anymore stuff.

"Yeah. Okay fine. But you have to tell her. " Louis is as dead serious as I am. This might work.

"I'll Skype her later tonight" I promise and leave before Eleanor gets home.


Later that night I can't get hold of Tammy so I take a risk and call her father.

"Hello Greg here" He answers the phone on the first ring.

"Hi sir... It's Harry." I feel slightly nervous.

"Oh how ya doin' lad? " He's making small talk. I hate that.

"I'm good thanks and yourself?" I reply respectfully.

" Great, just great. Why'd ya call? Ya need something?"

"I can't get hold of Tammy. It's really urgent that I talk to her"

"Oh. Gimme a second, I'll go check if she's up in her room"

I listen while he walks to her room. A soft tap on her door lets me know it's closed.

"Tammy. Can I come in? " I hear him whisper.

"Huh? "

"Did I wake ya? Sorry darlin but Harry wants a word. " He says.

"Where?" I can hear the hostility in her voice. She thinks I'm physically there.

"No dear. The phone. Should he call ya or would ya like to take it on my phone? " He asks softly. This man has such a soft spot for his daughter.

"He can call me" she replies sounding really tired.

"Okay. I'll tell him... Ya hear that mate? " he asks me.

"Yeah thank you again" 

I put down the phone and immediately phone her. I have a feeling this is gonna go down over the phone.

I dial her number. She picks up on the third ring.

"Hay" she answers, voice thick with sleep.

"Hay, how you doing? " I wanna hold her so badly.

"I'm fine. What's wrong, you sound funny " she asks and I can hear movement on the other end.

"I'm... coping. Why'd you leave early?" I ask.

"Why didn't you come the next day? " she asks back. I can just picture her cheeky little face.

"I'm really sorry. I was sorting the whole Louis thing out. " I explain my absence.

"Oh" She firmly replies.

"Please can we Skype or face time or something. I wanna see you " I beg her even though I know she hates it.

"Okay" she agrees with a sigh.


After taking forever to set up we finally get to talk "face to face" and she looks exhausted.

"Are you tired? " I ask as she yawns into her hand.

"Little bit" I can see the familiar room around her. She's lying on her side with her laptop on her bed.

"Are you sure you wanna talk, you  look like you're in the mood" I'm concerned.

"Harry! Just stop asking questions and talk to me. I wanna hear your voice." Her eyelids are half closed and I have a feeling she's in mid dreamland behind those coffee coloured eyes.

"Well, what am I supposed to tell you? A story?" I joke but then she nods.

"I don't know any stories."

"Tell me about when you were a kid. What did you wanna become?" she asks smiling a smile only drowsiness can bring.

"You tell me one quickly then I'll know what you mean " I really want to hear her speak.

" When I was a kid I had doll named Sir Harold. He was a cute little brown bear with the softest fur ever.

I'd named him Sir Harold because of his Duke like hat and moustache.

I still have him you know"  she opened her eyes to see my face.

"Now tell me your story" She commanded.

"Okay fine. I grew up in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. It was fun, I washed cars and pulled my sister's hair a lot and yeah. The End ... "

I can see her roll her eyes under her closed eyelids.

"Harry! Ugh never mind. So what happened with Louis? " She opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Uhh... We're still sorting it out. He wanted to talk to you"

"About what? " She sits up and places the laptop on her lap. She ties her hair up and sits and waits for me to talk.

"I don't know." She looks at me in disbelief.

"I can't say. It's to serious to talk about like this. It would be better in person." I pull my hand through my tangled hair.

"Well you better get your tickets fast because I'm going to California in a few days" She looks down and starts biting her nails.

"Ughhhhh.. I hate it when I do that" She yells at herself.

"Can we seriously come?  "

"Well if you're not going to tell me on Skype then you're gonna have to come tell me because I'm not coming there. "

"Okay. So when are you going? ?"

"I dunno"

"That's helpful but yeah okay. I'll talk to you about it later. "

"Yea I'm tired,  goodnight" She closes her eyes. And starts closing the laptop.

"Goodnight." I quickly say before the screen turns black.

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