Chapter 17

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*He made me late for work*

I text Olivia. We've really become close since we hung out that day.

*Niall does that all the time.. Now I just drive myself :D *

*Hahaha. I'm already considering that ;) *

"We're supposed to be watching the movie together" Harry whispers and stuffs his mouth full of popcorn.

"I can't concentrate because I'm hungry." I sulk.

Harry hasn't allowed us to get something to eat yet and my tummy is growling.

"Just listen to it for a second." Harry presses his ear onto my stomach and it grumbles and also flutters at his touch.

"Yip. That's a hungry tummy right there..."

"I want pizza" 

"Fine I'll call them. Which type? "

"What we always get" I say while checking which movie is next on Harry's list.

Harry orders and we continue watching the movie.

"What's this movie even called?  I'm bored with it"

"Notting Hill. I thought you'd like it"

Harry is sitting on the opposite side of the couch and my feet are resting on his lap.

"Isn't there something else" I moan.

"We'll change it after we eat." Harry switches off the Tv and looks at me.

"Do you think we'll get married Tammy? " Harry's question is so unexpected I nearly laugh but his face is serious.

"Is that why you've been so serious all day? "

"I've just been thinking about it, you know. And also there's no sex before marriage which would be an excellent reason to get married. "

"I can't believe you're going all Edward on me..."

Harry is instantly confused and I laugh.

"Sorry. Twilight fan. It happens. " I apologize and he smiles at me. I get up and sit closer to him.

"Maybe we should go to the beach. But like at my mom's place for a week. " I say suddenly.

"Maybe.. Get away a little" Harry actually considers it.

" If you don't think it's a good idea I mean. If it's to early..."

"I've already met your dad so? "

I cuddle up to him, laying my head on his chest.

"Yea but then that's unfair you'll have met both my annoying parents but I wouldn't have met any of yours" I wine. Inhaling the strong sent of his cologne.

"You'll meet them before we go to your mom's place"


There was a knock at the door.

"Pizza! " I yell and get up off of Harry.

He goes and answers the door.

"Good evening." A female voice says.


They continue the transfer while I put the next movie in. After Earth..

"Tammy, do you have some money on you." Harry yells.

"Lemme check. " I get my bag and hand him my purse.

"Here you look. I'm terrible with money" I say joining him at the door.

I look up at the pizza delivery girl. She looks familiar.

"Jade? "


"Hay! " we hug and I invite her in.

"How you been? I haven't seen you since... since..."

"Since you and Harry were busy doing it while..."

"Yea. Haven't seen you in a while basically" I blush.

Jade and I talk for a while before she has to leave.

"Yea. I'll call you. I want you to meet someone" She winks at me and skips down the stairs.

"Damn you guys can talk."

"Shut up and get me some pizza" We both laugh and sit down.

The pizza box on my lap. Me in Harry's arms. Nothing could be better.

Okay maybe it could be a little bit better, if the coffee table was a bit nearer so I could reach my soda....

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