Chapter 11

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"Hahaha. It looks good. I swear." I tell Harry as he begins think about the now permanent mark on his arm.

"Yours looks better." He smiles at me as we drive to the Gallery.

"I won't deny that" I shrug and we both laugh. I could easily say it was one of thee happiest days of my life. Almost all of them are with Harry.

Harry parks the car and turns to face me.

"Well aren't you gonna go? "He asks, his lips inches from mine.

"I suddenly don't want to."

"Okay let's go then"

Harry is suddenly miles apart from me and starting the car.

"You ruin everything, idiot" I laugh as I see the smile I most love creep onto his face. I punch him in the arm and regret it because now my hand is sore.

"Go! "

I get out of the car and enter the Gallery and head straight to Tyler's office. I take the things I need and head back downstairs when I bump into someone and the box falls to the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry young lady. Lemme help you with that." I look up to see a beautiful woman with red lips and brunette hair. She has a tight fitting black dress on and she bends down on killer heels.

"No I'm sorry it's my fault." I say stacking the papers.

"Hay babe. You okay? I saw through the window." Harry comes up and helps pick up all the stuff.

Once everything is back in the box Harry lifts it and sets in on the front desk.

"Oh darling. I'm so sorry for all that. I'm Natalie by the way." The lady holds out her hand and I shake it.

"It's no problem at all. I'm Tammy and this is Harry." I introduce us to this strange lady.

"Tammy? Tammy Ryan? "

How does she know my surname?

"Uhm. Yeah." I nod.

"Oh honey. Honey!" Natalie turns around and runs out the Gallery doors.

"Maybe we should leave quickly" Harry whispers, picking up the box from the desk.

"Yeah, let's go..." Natalie returns with a average hight man who's in a black suit with a red tie "...never mind" I whisper.

"What is it Natalie?" The thick Irish accent is immediately recognizable. Dad?

"It's Tammy." Natalie rejoices as if she were my own mother. I don't like this woman.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"We found her!  How are ya? My God, you've changed" My father totally ignores my question.

I feel Harry step slightly closer to me.

"What's this? " My dad points to the bandage on my neck and his eyes dart to Harry's bandage as well.

"I got a tattoo today" I answer directly.

"WHAT?! Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?" 

My father seems angry while he looks at Harry up and down and I laugh out loud by accident, because my father is like half the size of Harry and ... it's just so funny.

"Why are you laughing?" Harry asks me.

" Hahaha... This man is funny! Anyway, uhm dad this is Harry, he's my boyfriend. Harry this is of course my dad but you can call him Greg"

"Greg darling, we need to go." Natalie's whiny voice stings my ears.

"I promise I will see ya again. And I'm going to talk ya lad"

"Remember I told you once. You shouldn't make idol threats or empty promises. Its not good for your health, or anybody elses for that matter"

Why did I just say that?  I sound stupid.

My dad looks at me.

"I'm sorry about that. You know it"

"Doesn't mean I forgive you."

"We should go too" Harry says and leads me around my dad and out of the building.

He sets the box down in the boot and gets into the car.

"Wanna talk about it?" he offers.

"Not now..but thanks" I smile as rest against the seat.

"Wanna stay at my place" He offers again. This time I couldn't refuse.

"Yes please" I smile genuinely this time.

I've never slept as Harry's before. This should be interesting.

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