Chapter 12

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"I thought you lived in an apartment" I say confused when Harry pulls up to a large black gate. He leans out the window and buzzes the intercom.

"I used to. My dad wants me to live here since they don't anymore" He explains while we drive down the cobble stone driveway.

"Oh.My.Word! " The house is huge. Like Westminster huge. Okay maybe not that huge but it is like big.

"You know, I've never brought anybody here before" Harry tells me.

My heart warms. I can feel the smile spread across my face. He always makes me feel so special.

"Well except for Louis, he helped me move."

And then Louis has to come and mess everything up.

"It's beautiful." I say as we walk down the white pebble path. Lanterns light the path to the house with a happy yellow light.

Harry opens the door and once again I'm astonished.

The foyer is huge and I look up and the ceiling is far up about two stories above us. It's decorated with painted angeles that smile happily at Harry and I.

Straight ahead are stairs covered in very expensive looking carpets.

"It's a bit much but that's how mum wanted it" Harry laughs while sliding his hands into his pockets.

"It's beautiful" I tell him.

"Come. Lemme show you around" Harry grabs my wrist and we tour the entire house.

Harry shows me everything and we end off in the kitchen where we drink apple juice and decide what to do for the rest of the night.

"Movies?" Harry suggests

"Anything, as long as we're together babe" I say feeling very in love with this crazy boy.

"Hahaha. Come here." Harry pulls me closer. Just as his soft lips touch mine, the stupid doorbell rings.

"Stay.. right.. there.. I'll be back in like 2 seconds. " Harry disappears from the kitchen and I take a look around. The ovens manual is still inside. Obviously hasn't been used ever.

'That's gonna have to change' I think.

Gonna make sure I come here more often.

"It's Louis. He's drunk and wouldn't leave. " Harry slides his hand through his hair.

"Great." I mutter.

"Hello yoooouu!" I hear Louis come into the kitchen.

"Louis, why can't you just drive back home" Harry moans

"Because I'm drunk Harold"

"How did you get here? " I ask.

"I drove." Louis simply answers.

" Then why can't you just... you know what, never mind." Harry puts his arms up in arrest.

"Just call Eleanor to come get me, dillweed."


"Bloody hell!" Louis yells as he sits down.

"Shit,  I left my phone in the car. I'm coming."

"Just use mine." I say quickly, not wanting to be left alone with Louis.

"Thanks, but I'm gonna have to go get it anyway" He smiles sweetly at me and leaves me alone with Louis.

"You don't listen do you? " I hear him say.

"What? " I gulp down my fear along with the rest of my apple juice.

"I don't want you around Harry!" Louis yells and his face goes red. I drop my glass without thinking. Harry's beautiful crystal glass.

"Hahaha. So I do scare you. I thought I would have to kill you or something before you'd see how fucking serious I am." His voice is low and raspy now as he comes closer and closer to me.

"So are you gonna listen this time? " He asks, his drunk breath on my face.

Next thing I'm on the floor. I feel a sharp pain in my right arm.

"Are you? " Louis is shouting at me again.

"No! " I yell back as I get up and try and walk backwards away from him.

"What? " He pulls me back, this time we're just inches apart.

"No." I spit.

Where the fuck is Harry when you need him.

I try and think clearly. I pull my knee up between Louis legs and it connects. Louis lets go of me and bends over in pain.

'Straight in the balls', I think and run to the door.

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