Chapter 5

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Harry is still pulling me when we get to the lobby.

"Harry, you can let go now" I say as one of my neighbours stare at us.

"Oh right. Sorry. " He laughs awkwardly as I get into his car.

"Okay... so are you ready?" Harry slides his shades on and looks at me.

"I don't know" I shrug.

"I don't know where we're going."

"So you're okay with going anywhere" he starts the car and pulls out.

"Well I guess so, I trust you enough not to take me somewhere weird." I smile when I hear him laugh.

"So what if I'm taking you back to my place to skinny dip in the middle of the day? " he questions while concentrating on the road ahead.

"This dress is not leaving my body" I see a smile spread across his face.

"I wish it would" he winks at me through his shades.

"Hey, watch the road. I don't wanna die."

"Yes Miss Bossy Boots."

I know for a fact that he is rolling his eyes under those glasses that make him look so sexy.

We listen to the music from the radio and we both hum, until Harry turns off the main road and into an amusement park.

"Oh my word, Harry no.." I cover my face with my hands.

"What?" He asks. Parking right in front.

"I don't like amusement parks."

"Why? "

"There are little kids with sticky fingers running around touching things"

"You don't like kids?" He laughs opening the door for me.

"Not particularly, no." I answer honestly.

Harry pulls me into his side before leading me into the park.

"Well, after today you will love them. " Harry encourages me.

I don't actually care where I am as long as I'm with him.

"Sure babe" I roll my eyes and stand in the line at the ticket office with Harry's arm tight around my waist. I glace around and see some people starring at us. Or maybe more at Harry, his white shirt almost transparent to his tattooed skin.

"We should go on that one" Harry points at something scary looking.

"No! I am not going on that what if someone pukes on me..." I shake my head and look at him.

He just laughs and buys us tickets.

"Let's go on something safe. How about these shells."

The people sitting in them look like they're going to vomit any minute.

"How about those" I run enthusiasticly over to the go carts.

"Yeah. Good idea."

We pay and get our helmets.

"I'm gonna beat you boy" I glare at Harry as he straps in.

"Well, we'll just have to see about that."

There's a gun shot and we're both off.

In the end I beat Harry because he ends up smashing into a pile of hay.

"I told you" I say after we buy some ice cream.

"You don't tell anyone you beat me. Or else..." He warns licking his vanilla ice cream.

"Or else what? " I raise my brow before sitting next to him on a bench.

"There will be major consequences" He dots my nose with ice cream.

"You're going to pay for that.. " I say narrowing my eyes at him as I wipe my nose.

"Let's go play some booth games" Harry says after we finish our ice cream.

"Yeah,  I saw a kissing booth over there with a really hot guy running it..." I actually did see one.

"You will not!" he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him.

"Well... I'm getting no love from you." I tease.


"Yes Harry."

"Come here." Harry pulls me behind one of the booths and pins me to the wall.

"After all I've done, you say I'm not giving you love?" He questions, eyes narrow, body inches from mine.

"After eating pizza with you, watching crap movies. Making you breakfast. Bringing you here..."

If it were anybody else they would think they were in big shit with Harry right now, his voice is soft and dangerous sounding, I instantly feel butterflies in my tummy.

"What more do you want me to do?" His body is pressed against mine and his voice is still soft but sweeter now.

His lips touch mine momentarily. I lean in for more but Harry pulls further away.

"Mmm.. I see..." he kisses me again. This time cupping my face in his big hands.

I feel my chest moving faster as my breathing quickens. I put my arms up around his neck and pull him down closer to me. Harry's arms are around me hugging me tightly.

The kiss breaks and we're both panting, still holding each other.

I feel myself smiling uncontrollably.

"I think that's what we both wanted me to do"Harry whispers as he begins to let go of me.

"Whoa... that was... we should do that more often" My voice comes out fast and desperate sounding.

Harry and I have never been a very intermit couple but I have a feeling that's going to change.

After playing more booth games and going on a few rides, Harry not being able to keep his hands (and lips) off me, we finally go home.

"Oh my gosh! " I yell when I check the time. "It's 6:30 and we need to be at the party at 7:00."

Well, Tori's parents want to have dinner first before the party at 9. And I promised I'd be there with Harry.

"Shit. What am I going to wear? " 

"Clothes" Harry says sarcastically.

"I'm going to shower. Get me nice clothes to wear" I order and run to the bathroom, mentally yelling at myself for letting Harry make us stay at the amusement park and hour longer than we were supposed to be.

When I get out of the shower, on my bed lay a beautiful outfit.

I put my underwear on and pull the lime green dress over. Its slightly tight and lies just before the knee. I quickly slide my black tomys on. I find matching accessories and I try to dry my hair as best I can.

Harry steps into the room then. He has a black jeans on (that's not torn at the knee) a plain black top, boots and a hat.

"Wow! " I am in awe of how sexy he looks.

"I should be saying that about you.. I knew you would look good in that"

"Green isn't my colour." I complain.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes and slides a few bracelets over his hand.

"Come, its time to go to Tori's" he says walking to the front door.

"Oh we're having dinner with her family first"

"What?" Harry freezers in front of the door.

(Vote, comment, keep reading! ..  love y'all..  xoxox!! )

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