Chapter 38

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Louis P.O.V

By the time I leave Tammy's place she's seriously drunk and her dad is helping her to her bedroom.

"Sorry about that" I say into the voicemail of her phone.

"I'm really really sorry. If you wanna call back please use Eleanor's number,  I have her phone. "

I walk to my rental and drive back to the hotel. I'm hoping to sleep a bit, forget about this whole thing.

Tammy's P.O.V

"Dad! Please take me to the airport" 

"What? Where ya goin'?" He's head pops into my room.

"To Moms"

"Why so soon? Don't tell me it's just 'cause of that Louis boy that came by"

"It's because of what he said. Dad I just need to get away from here for a while. I don't want to see them for a few months. I need to clear my head"

"Okay. I'll take ya but only tomorrow."

"Ugh! Fine whatever. Only if you pay for the tickets"

It's better if I leave tomorrow, maybe I can call Louis and apologize for yesterday.

It's been a rough few hours or how ever long it's been and I can only think of the sweet Louis that visited yesterday.

I decide to call him.

"Hello? " He answers the phone.

"Hay,  it's Tammy."

"Didn't think you'd call" Louis laughs slightly into the phone.

"Me neither. I just wanted to apologize for my crazy drunkness yesterday. I was just overwhelmed" I try to explain my rash actions.

"It's fine, I totally understand" I can see him nodding in my head,  heck he's the only thing in my head. What's happening?

"I'm hungry,  are you hungry? " I ask.

"Dead hungry actually" He laughs again, I've never actually heard he's laugh.

"Come over" I command slightly.

"Tammy I really don't think it's appropriate for me t..."

"I have no friends here Louis,  I'm bored and my dad is working as usual. All you're doing is keeping me company" I beg over the phone. I really do need someone with me or else that whiskey is my only companion.

"Okay. I'll come over, but no more whiskey" He says almost reading my mind.

"Thank you! "

"Whatever" and with that he drops the phone.


After taking a hot shower and washing my hair, I pull one of Harry's jumpers over my head and slid into an old pair of jeans.

"Tammy! " My dad calls from his study.

"Yeah?" I yell back.

"Come here please" I hate it when parents do that.

I walk down the stairs and past the lounge to the downstairs guest rooms to find his study opposite the library.


"Aunty Stella is comin' round this afternoon. Would ya please make us something to eat before she gets here. Remember her kid might be comin' as well." He asks me, rather begs me but I'd do anything for my dad.

"Yeah, sure. I'll just make a big dish of lasagne, that alright?"

"That would be swell" He smiles and continues with his drawings. That's all he does all day really.

"I'll have to go get a few things though, your cupboards are empty. Oh Louis is coming over for lunch as well" I say the last part very fast.

"Yeah sure love" He smiles broadly and his eyes seem to be dancing with happiness.

"Okay" I smile back suspiciously.

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