Chapter 50

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I wake to Olivia hyperventilating in her room.

"I can't do this. What if it doesn't fit. I'm sure he doesn't even like me anymore. Who could love these freckles? Ohhh! Do you have my dress? Those shoes are too high. My head is sore. What's the time even? " She rattles on until I make her drink some water while the kettle boils for some tea.

"Niall loves you. And you're going to be perfect today" I whisper while holding both her shaky cold hands.


"Okay..." I smile back.

The door bell rings and I get up to answer it. As I walk I realize I don't even have a dress to wear.

"Oh Hello!" I greet her mother who's standing at the door with her sister.

"Hi" she comes in and Olivia immediately runs and hugs her. They'd come down from Yorkshire.

"Okay. So we've got to get you ready." Her mom smiles and puts down her big gym bag.

"Yeah. Tammy is doing my make-up and you can do my hair right. I washed it last night. I couldn't sleep so..." She smiles while playing nervously with her hands.

"Okay!! Let's do this" she claps her hands together lightly and walks into her bedroom where her mom started with her hair.

I needed to go look for a dress so I popped my head into her room.

"I need to go get some clothes" I say.

"Like a dress" Olivia asks looking at me through the reflection in the mirror.


"You actually left your favorite one here that we went shopping the day I told you about the play. " She smiles brightly and I begin to remember.

"Oh yes. The dark purple one. With the belt. "

Olivia nodded. "I got you these to go with it" She held up the shoes I've been wanting forever since the day I saw them. In beautiful black.

"Omgee!! You're joking!"

"No kidding kid! "

"Thank you so much" I lightly hug her and try them on. They fit perfectly.


Many long hours later everybody was ready. Olivia had her dress on. The two brides maids had arrived, Tori and Eleanor, and everybody looked gorgeous. A sleek black limousine arrived just on time with silver ribbons tied to it. A huge bouquet of flowers arranged on the bonnet. Olivia insisted I ride with them and so I did.

Many minutes later we arrived outside the church that Niall had picked out.

The limousine stopped and Olivia began to have cold feet again but we talked to her and encouraged her. She stepped out of the car as elegantly as she possibly could under the circumstances, we helped her up the stairs and to the entrance of the church. Then I quickly ran to a side door and sat in an empty seat before the ceremony began.

A second later the music began and the back doors opened. Her father, who had just made it on time, walked beside her slowly as she stepped into view. She and her father began walking down the aisle and we were all in awe of her. She blushed and looked down a few times but once Niall turned around and their eyes met she never broke the stare. She focused so completely on him that I knew that all her insecurities and doubts had blown away as fast as they had entered her mind. Her smile brightened as her father handed her over to the dashing gentleman who was dressed to the Tee.

They said their vows, at which point they both shed a few tears and so did the whole church, they exchanged rings, said their "I do's" and as they kissed the audience broke out into chorus of cheers.

After what seemed forever I finally got to them and congratulated them. They both looked unbearably happy and I hoped it would stay so for as long as they both lived. They left 10 minutes later to go to the reception hall. I decided to go a bit later, it was all a bit too much for me.

Her wedding was a dream come true so far and I knew the reception would be even more magnificent but it would just have to wait a little. I was still dreadfully tired from the plane ride.

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