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Castiel Novak looked out the window of his brother's car. He would have given anything to not go to school today.

And that's saying a lot, considering the fact that he actually liked school.

But, today he didn't want to go because he would have to deal with the annoying people there more than usual.

All because it was his birthday.

His brother, Gabriel, chuckled at him. "Don't want to go to school, Cassie?"

"You know I don't," Cas muttered and sighed.

"Yeah, well, if I gotta go, you gotta go."

"But you like going to school because you're popular!"

"You are too."

"But you like the attention! I don't! I hate it so much..." Cas quietly huffed and hunkered down in his seat.

Gabe rolled his eyes. "Stop being a baby, Cas. You know you don't hate it as much as you say you do."

Cas muttered something under his breath and decided to just shut up.

The two rode in silence until they got to the school. Cas had a small scowl on his face, while Gabe was smiling brightly.

Gabe parked the car and turned to Cas. "Try to at least have a good day. It's your birthday, Cas. Don't have a stick up your ass on your birthday."

Cas rolled his eyes and got out the car with his booksack. He closed the door and slung his sack over his shoulder, then started walking to the school.

In less than five minutes, he had already gotten about six happy birthdays from people he hardly knew.

He walked into the school and headed straight for his locker.

And he cringed when he saw what his locker looked like.

Someone -more than likely some of the cheerleaders- decided to decorate his locker.

There were streamers attached, happy birthday was written on it, and there was glitter literally everywhere.

He cringed again and opened it up, quickly putting his stuff in and taking out the books he needed, then closing it back.

Taking one more look at his locker, he turned and hurried down the hall, away from it. He hurried to the first place he knew would be empty this early in the morning. That place was the library.

He pushed open the door to the library and walked in. He looked around and sighed softly at the empty room. He walked to a far table and put his stuff down before going over and finding a book to read. He pulled it off the shelf and went back to his seat. He sat down and started reading, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Cas had never been the one to enjoy attention. He was more of a quiet, stay hidden in the crowd kind of guy. He felt as if the only reason he was even popular was because of his older brothers.

His eldest brother, Michael, was the smart kid who somehow made a lot a friends. He had that personality that just made you want to be friends with him. When he graduated, his popularity went to the brother under him.

His second oldest brother, Lucifer, was the star quarterback of the football team. He had a charming personality that had the girls falling for him and the guys wanting to be him. After Luci left, the next brother got the fame.

Gabriel was the class clown. Always pulling jokes on students and teachers. His personality made it easy for people to like him though. Even if Michael and Lucifer weren't his brothers, he thinks he would've gotten popular on his own.

And then there's Castiel. He was the youngest of he four, Gabriel being a year older than him. The students automatically loved him when they found out he was a Novak. He wasn't like his brothers though. He was the quiet and innocent one. He had to admit though, he do care about his reputation a little. Just a little though.

Plenty of times, Cas thought of asking his dad to let him switch to a school where no one knew him.

In the middle of his reading, a strong smell started to tickle his nose. He furrowed his eyebrows and put down his book, looking around. His curiosity got the best of him and he stood up. He followed the scent, glancing down every aisle.

The smell became stronger as he turned down one on the aisle. He froze when he noticed the boy sitting on the floor, taking a drag from what at first glance looked like a cigarette, but the smell said otherwise.

A few rings of smoke rolled off the boy's lips and into the air. He smiled to himself, then noticed Cas out the corner of his eyes. His smile fell as he looked at Cas. "What? Gonna go snitch on me?" He sneered. He put the joint out on his arm and put it away, starting to gather his stuff.

"No, I'm not," Cas said softly. "Why would you think so?"

"I know how you Novaks are," he grumbled out as he stood up, turning from Cas.

Cas frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

The boy let out a 'humph' before before he walked away, leaving Cas by himself.

Cas blinked a few times as he listened to the library door shutting. He turned and walked back to his stuff. He put the book back on the shelf, then grabbed his bag. He left the library in a hurry. He didn't want someone to come in and think that he was the one who was smoking.

Imagine what that'd do to his reputation.



I promised I'd tag you when it was ready. :)

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