▶Alternate Ending◀

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Lol y'all are gonna hate me again.

This takes place after prom when they're in Sam's house.


Sam grinned up at Cas who sat on top of him, still dressed in his tux. He leaned up and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"Y'know, Sam," he said softly after he pulled away. "These last few months with you have been amazing, but...I need you to do me a huge favor."

Sam sat up, a small, concerned frown on his face. "I'll do anything."

"Wake up then."


"You need to wake up, Sam."

"I'm...not awake?"

"No, you aren't. Please, if you love me, try to wake up."


"Good. Try, Sam. Please."

Sam closed his eyes tightly, not fully understanding what was going on, but he'd do anything for Cas.

"Wake up, Sammy."

"Wake up, please."

"Sammy, wake up...please, Sammy, please!"

Sam slowly and groggily opened his eyes. He looked around, expecting Cas to still be on top of him, but frowned when he wasn't. He turned his head and saw Dean who was crying heavily with his head down. "D-Dean?"

Dean looked up quickly and gasped. "S-Sammy!" He jumped up and wrapped his arms around his little brother.

"W-What happened?"

"You...you tried to kill yourself, Sammy..."

"Again? Why?"

Dean pulled away and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean again? This is the first time you've tried to..."

"No it isn't. I tried before because of Cas' brother. Where is Cas anyway?"

"Who's Cas?"

"What do you mean who's Cas? He's my boyfriend! We've been dating for the past couple of months!"

"Sammy, you've been in a coma for the past three months!"

"I have? W-What is going on?" San asked, his heart slowly beginning to break.

"Sammy, you were getting bulied by some guy named Gabriel at school and tried to kill yourself. I found you before you died..."

Sam looked away, trying not to cry. He swallowed down his tears and noticed the laptop across the room. "C-Can you bring me that?"

Dean looked at the laptop and nodded. He went over and grabbed it, then helped Sam sit up before giving it to him.

Sam opened it and as soon as it was booted up, he typed in Castiel Novak in the search bar. He clicked on a news article and waited for it to load before reading.

17 year old Castiel Novak has committed suicide.

The young boy's body was found on June 16, 1999, in his room, with pill bottles surrounding him.

Sam stopped reading and stared at the picture of Castiel. B-But... Cas is dead? He died a year ago?! He couldn't help but start to cry.

He remembers seeing the boy's name before, but never his face. Yet, that exact face was the one he saw. He didn't understand what the fuck was going on, but he was crushed. His heart ached for this boy that he loved- that he loves.

Dean pulled the laptop away from Sam and wrapped his arms around him. "I got you, Sammy," he whispered softly. He didn't understand what had made his little brother so upset, but he was going to comfort him no matter what.

Sam held on to his brothers shirt tightly. He wanted Cas...he wanted the boy he fell in love with. The boy he shared his first real -well, not so real- kiss with. The boy who technically took his virginity. The boy who showed him that he can be loved.

But he could never have him, no matter how badly he wanted him.

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