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After Cas had told Gabriel what happened, it seemed as if Cas just zoned out. He was still aware of everything that was happening around him, but he didn't respond to it.

Gabe had to almost pull him to Dean's car while Sam and Dean grabbed their things. The two of them got into the backseat while Sam and Dean out everything in the trunk and got in the front seat.

Cas was...numb. It seemed as if none of his body parts were working. The thought of losing his big brother, his favorite brother, was slowly killing him. Sure, he loved all his brothers, but there was something about Lucifer that made Cas really connect with him. They even felt that Cas might've loved Lucifer more than their father loved Lucifer.

They made it to the hospital  and when Dean parked the car, Gabe jumped out and ran inside, Dean right behind him.

Cas on the other hand, didn't move. He stared at the doors of the hospital, the reality raining down on him.

He suddenly heard his car door opening and when he turned, he met the concerned face of Sam. "Don't make me go in there...please..."

"Cas, it's your brother. I know it hurts, but you need to go see him," Sam whispered softly. "If and I mean if he doesn't make it, you're gonna feel worse if you didn't go see him. Trust me. I've been through that before." He gently rubbed Cas' arm before taking his hand in his larger one.

"C-come with me...please, Sam. I-I know everything that happened in the past, but-"

"I'll go with you, Cas. I promise."

Cas nodded and reluctantly got out of the car. He kept holding Sam's hand as he closed the door and they walked into the hospital. They got Luci's room number and went to his room.

Sam gave Cas' hand a reassuring squeeze before they walked in, meeting the faces of Chuck, Michael, Dean, and Gabe. Lucifer was awake and had slowly turned his head to look at Cas, his eyes shining with happiness and excitement. "Cas..."

Cas dropped Sam's hand and went over to his bed. "Luci..."

Lucifer gave Cas a shaky, painful smile. He moved his hand slowly, holding it out to Cas. Cas took his hand and gently held it, tears starting to fall from his eyes again. "Luci...promise me you'll be ok! Please!"

"Cas... I-I can't promise th-that. I'm dying as we speak." There was a loud sob from somewhere in the room. "I-I wish...I wish I could...could see your graduation. Less than a year to go buddy..." He whispered out.

Cas couldn't speak, just cry and look at Lucifer and he spoke.

"You're gonna go far, kid...I know you are. You better keep playing that guitar. You're pretty good at it. That and singing. Sing your little heart out, Cas."

Cas couldn't help but smile at Luci's choice of words. He nodded and kissed his brothers forehead softly. "I will..."

Lucifer smiled at him, then looked past him at Sam. "S-Sam? Winchester?"

Sam nodded his head and glanced down. "Yeah..."

Luci looked back at his family. "C-Can I talk to Sam alone for a minute? Cas, you can stay."

Michael and Chuck nodded. They left the room, taking Gabe and Dean with them.

As soon as the door closed, Luci let go of Cas' hand and sat up. Cas took in a sharp breath before going to help him.

When Luci was sat up, he looked up at Sam and gave him a small smile. "Well...n-now is a better time th-than any...Sam, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did to you...I'm sorry for what I caused you to do. I-I was a dick. I don't know what made me mess with you in the first place. I just...I just wanted to apologize for what I did. I hope you can forgive me, but I understand if-"

"I forgive you."

Cas looked up at Sam, surprise on his face. Sam glanced down at him before looking back at Lucifer.

Luci began to grin. "You...do?"

"Yeah. I do."

"Wow...t-thank you, Sam." Lucifer had this look in his eyes that made it seem like he wanted to say something else, but he didn't. Instead, he held out his hand to Sam, who gently took it and shook hands with him.

Cas smiled softly at the two, glad they could workout their differences. He knew that Lucifer wanted to make peace before he died. If he died.

But, Luci was going to get better.


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