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Cas and Sam held hands as they walked through the mall, their bags in their other hands. Cas loved going to the mall on a school day; during school hours. It was always almost empty. They only people coming out, being older couples and single men/women.

They made their way to the car, having enough of the mall. "I still think that Darth Vader would whip Joker's ass though," Cas said as he unlocked the trunk.

"Pfft. Whatever." Sam rolled his eyes and put his stuff in the trunk woth Cas'. They talked a bit more about Darth Vader vs Joker, before the conversation died down.

"So, where to next?" Cas asked.

"How about-" Sam's stomach beat him to an answer with a loud growl. "Food. Food sounds nice."

Cas laughed softly and started the car. "What kind of food? Chinese or burgers? Or both?"

"Both?" Sam questioned.

Cas nodded. "Yeah. We can go get Chinese and eat a little bit there, then go get burgers."

"Why do I feel like you haven't ate since yesterday morning."



Cas huffed at the scolding tone in Sam's voice. He gets enough of this at home. "It's not like I don't want to eat, I'm just never hungry and sometimes I forget to eat," he said as he drove down the street, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

"You need to start eating more, Castiel."

"I will, Sam, I will."

Sam smiled lightly and curled up in the seat while looking at his phone. The time said 1:15 and he huffed quietly. All day he had been waiting for a call from Dean, asking where he was. He knew that both of their brother's would probably be mad that they skipped school.

The car stopped at a red light and he looked up, yawning in the process. He glanced out the window just a car pulled up, then looked away again. He was about to ask Cas something when he suddenly whipped his head to the side again, looking at the car. "Hey, Cas..?"


"Do those people look familiar to you?"

Cas turned and looked out the window. He looked into the other car and started to laugh. "Looks like we're not the only ones who skipped school!" He honked the horn, gaining the attention of the couple in the other car.

Sam and Dean made eye contact with each other. They stared at each other before they both started laughing. Gabriel had made eye contact with his brother and was laughing his ass off. Before the light turned green, Dean held up his phone and mouthed call me to Sam.

Sam looked down at his phone and called his brother just as they started driving again.

"Sammy, I am ashamed of you! How dare you skip school today?! Haven't I taught you better than that?" Dean said. It was obvious he was trying not to laugh.

Sam grinned. "I should say the same to you! What kind of influence are you setting, Dean?"

Dean couldn't help but start laughing at his little brother. "Where are you two going?" He asked after his laughing fit was over.

"Get food. What about you two?"


"Aww, so romantic."

"Shuuuuuut theeeeeee fuuuuuck uppppppp."

Sam started to laugh, making his brother chuckle on the other line.

"Alright, Sammy. I'll see you at home. Be good and be careful. Love you."

"Yeah, yeah. You too."

"Say it."


"Say it."


"Samuel Winchester. Say it."

Sam groaned. "I love you too."


"Bye Dean."

"Bye Sammy!"

Sam rolled his eyes and hung up the phone. After as minute, he started to talk. "I'm honestly not that surprised they skipped school. Especially since it's what, Wednesday?"

"Thursday, Sam, Jesus Christ."

"Shut up. But, I'm still not surprised. Dean has always hated Thursday's."


"Something about he had a dream of me dying over and over on a Thursday." Sam shrugged.

"That's always fun," Cas muttered sarcastically.

"I know, right?"


Sorry for the...shit ending.

I couldn't find a way to end it, so, ye.

I think that the next chapter's gonna be short...and more along the lines of two people texting.

Not a normal chapter, is what I'm trying to say.

We're 18 and Crazy 》Sastiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now