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When Sam walked out the bathroom, he had a big grin on his face. There was something about Castiel that had intrigued him.

And he liked to torment the boy a little.

He looked at his watch and noticed it was almost lunch time, so he headed outside to the courtyard to go wait for Dean to get back. He snuck under the bleachers just as the bell rang and he settled on the ground, out of sight of anyone who would walk by.

He pushed up his sleeves and looked down at his arms and sighed at the cuts and burns on his wrists, trailing up his arms.

Sure his father inflicted pain on him, but there was nothing better than inflicting the pain on yourself.

After a few minutes of looking at his arms, he pulled down his sleeves and reached for his joint and lighter and his pocket. He put the joint between his lips and lit it. He inhaled deeply before slowly letting out a few smoke rings.

Sam sat there, smoking and thinking about his fucked up life, until his phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and looked at the text from his brother.

Where r u?

Under the bleachers.

K. Omw there.

Sam quickly put out the joint and fanned the air around him, trying to clear it of the smell. He put the joint away and threw a piece of gum into him mouth, quickly chewing. He made sure everything seemed normal. He grabbed one of his books and started to "read" it.

Dean doesn't know what Sam does when he's alone. He doesn't know about the smoking, the scars, the... beatings, and everything else. Sam never wanted Dean to find out about those things, thinking that Dean would say it's his fault if he told him.

After a few minutes of Sam actually reading his book, he heard a noise and looked up.


Sam looked to where Dean was and smiled a bit. "Hey Dean," he said quietly as Dean walked over to him, carrying a bag.

Dean plopped down next to Sam and opened the bag. He pulled out a wrapped burger and handed it to Sam before taking out another for himself.

The two ate their burgers in silence; enjoying the company of each other. When they finished and stuffed their trash into the bag, Dean didn't leave like Sam thought he was.

"Sammy, I gotta tell you something..." Dean muttered softly.

Sam immediately started to worry. He turned his head and nodded. "Ok... What?"

"Well... I'm... Gay," he mumbled as he twirled his thumbs and looked away.

Sam sighed quietly and started to smile. "Ok."

Dean looked up at him and furrowed his eyebrows. "You... aren't mad?"

"No, of course not! I'm happy for you, Dean!"

Dean lunged for Sam and threw his arms around him, hugging him tightly. He kissed Sam's cheek before he pulled away. "Thank you, Sammy."

"Of course, Dean. Why did you think I would be mad?"

"Well, I told dad and he didn't take it too well..."

"What did he do?"

"Yell. Call me a fag... a disgrace... But, I think he forgot me ever telling him, cause after that he didn't say anything about it and he still treats me the same." Dean shrugged a bit.

"That's good," Sam said softly.

The two sat there, quietly talking until the bell rang. The both got up and picked up their bags, then grabbed the trash. They both walked out from under the bleachers and headed into school.

"Bye Sammy."

"Bye Dean."

The two parted ways and went off to their lockers.

Sam couldn't help but have a small smile on his face. He was happy that his brother had trusted him enough to come out to him.

To a lot of people, it probably looked strange that he was smiling, seeing how Sam almost never smiled.

But he could care less about what they thought.

Sam was happy and no one could take that away from him.

We're 18 and Crazy 》Sastiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now