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"Two chocolate waffle cones, please," Cas said with a smile as he stood in front of the ice cream man.

"That'll be two dollars," the man said as he fixed the two cones for Cas.

Cas pulled out three dollar bills -the man was nice, so he deserved a tip- and gave them to the man and got the ice cream. He walked over to where Sam was sitting and held out the cone.

Sam took it and kissed Cas' cheek before licking his ice cream. "What made you want ice cream?"

Cas shrugged and hummed. "Don't know."

Sam chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Is this all you wanted to do? Come to the park and eat ice cream?"

"Nope. There's somewhere else I wanna go, but it's a surprise."

"I feel like you're gonna push me off of a cliff."

Cas laughed and shook his head. "Not yet, don't worry!"

"Nah, you'd never do that to me," Sam said with a grin before kissing his lips, the chocolate from their cones making the kiss even sweeter.

Cas smiled when Sam pulled away. "Mm, you're right. I'd never do that to you."

They finished their cones and watched the sunset before they went to Cas' second destination.

"Rollerskating?!" Sam asked, looking at the building in front of him.

Cas giggled and kissed his cheek before getting out. "It'll be fun!"

What if I don't have balance? I don't have any balance, Cas! Sam thought as he got out and followed his over eager boyfriend inside the building.

They got their skates and took off their shoes, putting them in the same cubicle. Cas put on his skates and easily stood up, while Sam's lanky ass on the other hand couldn't even get up.

Cas giggled and helped him up. "You'll get used to it, I promise." He ignored the bitch face and held on to Sam's arm. He slowly skated over to the rink, holding Sam close the whole time.

Sam inhaled a little as Cas started to take them around the rink. This was very new to him. And slightly aggravating. God how he wished he had balance.

After a few times around, Cas started to speed up. "You're getting it," he said softly while loosening his grip on Sam.

"H-How do you know how to do this so well?!"

"We used to come here a lot when we were younger." Cas shrugged lightly and slowed down again. "Ready?"

"Ready for wha-"

Cas let go of Sam and skated away from him, not far though. He was still about an arms length away.

"Cas, NO!" Sam tried to get back to Cas, but in the midst of slightly freaking out, he had tripped and fell on to the floor. He wasn't alone though. He had managed to grab Cas and pull him down with him.

Cas laughed as they both hit the floor. He looked at Sam and kissed head before getting up and helping his boyfriend up.

Sam blushed darkly, embarrassment obvious on his face and neck.

"It happens to everyone, Sam, don't worry about it."

They stayed there rollerskating for an hour and a half before they decided to leave. Sam had gotten better, but was still clumsy on his feet.

"It's my turn to take you somewhere," Sam said as they walked out the building and to the car.

Cas grinned and looked up at him. "Is it ice skating time?"

"No. Hell no. Nothing with skating."

Cas laughed and gave Sam the keys. "I was just asking!"

Sam rolled his eyes and got into the driver's seat while Cas got into the passenger seat. "If I ever do something with skating in the title again, it'll be too soon."

We're 18 and Crazy 》Sastiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now