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Sam stared at Cas as he played his guitar and sang. The boy had a very mesmerizing voice that Sam would not mind listening to everyday.

The four teens were at the park like they planned. They were at a small table, Cas sitting on the top of it, Gabe and Dean on one side, Sam on the other.

They were the only ones there. The park was surprisingly empty for a Friday afternoon.

Sam yawned as he watched Cas. He felt as if that guitar had some kind of magic that could put him to sleep in a heartbeat. He folded his arms on the table and placed his head on them, still watching Cas.

Before he realized it, he was dozing off.

What had woke him back up was the sound of a phone ringing and the feeling of someone moving around next to him. He opened his eyes and lifted his head, glancing around.

Dean looked at him and chuckled. "Sleep well, Sammy?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep..."

Gabe smiled at him reassuringly. "It was Cas playing, wasn't it?"

Sam blushed a little and nodded. "Yeah..."

"Don't worry. I get the same way when he plays. It relaxes me."

Sam chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "Where did he go?"

"Our dad called and he went to answer it. Don't know why he couldn't answer it he-" Gabe was interrupted by Cas running up to them, eyes wide, and trembling slightly. "Castiel, what's wrong?" Gabe asked, quickly standing him and holding his face.

Tears started to pour from Cas' eyes as he looked at Gabe. "L-Lucifer..."

"What? What about him?"

"H-He's in t-the ho-hospital...they-they don't think he's g-going to m-make it..."


Uh oh! >:þ

We're 18 and Crazy 》Sastiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now