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Sam woke up around 11 o'clock that night. He got out of bed and headed down to the kitchen.

Gabe had made him and Dean go home at around seven. They wanted to be there for the Novaks, but the pretty much made them leave. So, respecting their wishes, they left. As soon as they had got home, Sam was tired, so he took a shower and immediately got into bed.

The crack of thunder startled him. He shook his head at himself before getting a glass of water.

He was about to go back to his room when he saw Dean quietly going down the stairs, dressed, with his keys in his hands. "Dean?"

Dean jumped and looked at him and put a finger on his lips. He nodded his head to the door before walking over and unlocking it. He grabbed two umbrellas and handed one to Sam, keeping the other for himself.

The two quietly slipped out the house after Sam put on his shoes. They opened their umbrellas and hurried to Dean's car. When they got in, Sam put their umbrellas on the floor under him. "Dean, what's going on?" He asked, turning to his brother who was concentrated on driving.

"They can't find Cas."

Sam sat up, alarmed. "What do you mean they can't find him?! Shouldn't he be with them at the hospital?!"

"He was. Lucifer died a little while ago and when he did, Cas just left."

Sam turned his head and looked out the window. Damnit, Cas! It's raining you idiot! I swear to God if you die...

Dean drove them around town, both of them looking and looking for Cas. Sam didn't remember how long they were looking. He just remembered seeing someone turn down a road, Dean following them, and finding Cas walking with his head down.

Dean stopped the car, but Cas kept walking. "Dean, call Gabe and tell him we found him. I'll go get him." Sam grabbed an umbrella from under his feet and quickly got out, opening it and running after him. "Cas! Cas! Castiel!" He caught up to the smaller boy and grabbed his arm, yanking him back.

"Leave me alone, Sam..."

"Like hell I will! Come on, dude. It's like 60 degrees and it's raining! You could get sick..." Sam started to pull him to Dean's car.

He was surprised when Cas let him drag him away. He knew that Cas was hurting, but this was just dumb of him. He wanted to tell him, but decided not to. For right now. He opened up the back door and forced Cas in before getting in with him.

Dean noticed Cas was shaking, so he put on the heater, hoping he'd warm up enough until they got back home. He had already told Gabe that he was going to let Cas stay with them for the night.

The ride back to their house was quiet. They made it there fast though, thanks to Dean driving faster than he should've during a thunderstorm.

Sam held the umbrella over Cas as the three of them walked up to the front door, which suddenly opened and revealed an angry, tired John.

"Where in the fuck have you both been?!" He yelled, looking between Dean and Sam, not noticing Cas. "I go into each of your rooms and neither of you are there!! What the fuck?!"

Cas shrank back a little, pressing his back to Sam's chest. His eyes were fearful. Sam placed a hand on the small of Cas' back, calming him.

"We had to go and find my boyfriend's brother," Dean said boldly. "They couldn't find him and needed help."

John looked down and noticed the smaller boy, trembling. He calmed down and held open the door. "Jesus, you're soaked. Get in here."

Sam gave Cas a small push and the three of them walked in, Sam and Dean closing their umbrellas. Dean took the umbrellas and hurried to put them away to dry.

"Sam, let him use your bathroom." John muttered, closing and locking the door.

Sam nodded. "Yes sir." He took Cas' hand and led him upstairs to his room. He pointed to the bathroom. "Go ahead. I think I got clothes you can fit."

Cas nodded and whispered thank you before going into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Sam went over to his dresser and started digging  through his clothes. He found a pair of boxers, sweatpants, and a t-shirt that he couldn't fit anymore. He made sure the shower was running before going in and placing the clothes on the counter, grabbing his soaked clothes, then leaving

He left the room and went downstairs and to the utility room. He put Cas' clothes to wash before heading back upstairs. He remembered his shirt and changed it. Cas hadn't gotten it to wet.

When Cas finished his shower and was out the bathroom, he was still silent. The shirt hung loosely off of him and kind of looked like a dress on him.

Sam looked at him and stood up from his bed. "Cas..." he went over and pulled him into a hug. Cas immediately broke down and sobbed into his shirt, clutching it in his fists. "I know it hurts. I know. Just let it out, ok?" He brought Cas over to his bed and sat down, still holding him close.

Cas had cried for a while before he fell asleep, still holding on to Sam tightly. Sam didn't want to disturb him, so he pushed back his covers and was able to get under them without waking Cas. He pulled the covers over them and put his arm around Cas, holding him close.

He didn't know what the actual fuck made him do it, but he kissed the sleeping boy's forehead, before curling up and falling asleep as well.

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