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Cas stood next to Sam, his guitar in his arms. They were at the graveyard, getting ready to bury Luci.

Before he died, Lucifer made Cas promise to play at his funeral. He didn't care what he played, just made him promise to play something. So, he chose to play his favorite song, Hey There Delilah.

Cas gulped softly as they started to lower the coffin into the grave. He started to strum softly on his guitar and began to sing.

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me...

Cas finished the song the same time they finished putting dirt in his grave. He felt an arm go around his shoulders and pull him close. He looked up and saw Sam looking down at the grave. Quietly sighing, he leaned into his boyfriend, saying a quick, little prayer for his brother.

They made it to the Novaks house, some of the guests there too. They stood around; eating, talking, and drinking. There was a knock on the door and Gabriel went to go open it.

Sam placed a small, soft kiss on Cas' temple. "You did good, Cas."

Cas sighed and rested his head on Sam's arm. "Thank you, Sam."

They talked for a while, Dean eventually joining them. At the same time, they realized that Gabe hadn't come back and went to go see where he went. They found him in the foyer, have a very heated, but quiet, discussion with some woman at the door. "Gabe?" Cas asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

Gabe and the woman turned to look at Cas. "Cas, go back-"

"Cas? Castiel?"

"Um...yes?" Cas asked as hhe stepped a bit closer to Sam and Dean, feeling protected by them. It was probably cause of their height. He didn't know who this woman was and was surprised that she knew his name.

Gabe glared at the woman. "You get no right to talk to him," he said through gritted teeth.

"Like hell I do! That is my son!"

Sam and Dean looked down at Cas, who had a surprised look on his face. He was about to speak, but Gabe said something before him.

"We all were your children! You left us!"

"How the hell would you know? You were two years old!"

"I remember a lot, bitch."

The woman gasped. "How dare you speak to your mother like that?!"

"What the hell is going- Amelia?"

The four boys and woman turned to look at Chuck.

"Hello, Chuck."

"Amelia...why are you here?"

"One of my sons died! Of course I was going to be here!" She pushed past Gabriel, who growled quietly. She was close to standing in front of Cas, but one look from Gabriel made Sam and Dean go into protective mode and stand in front of him. Amelia looked up at the boys. "Out of my way."

Sam and Dean didn't move. They stepped closer together, completely blocking her view from Cas.

Cas looked over at his father, who mouthed, Go to Gabriel. He tugged on Sam and Dean's shirts, pulling them to the side, making sure they were still blocking him, before he took off to Gabriel's side, undetected.

Gabe nodded his head to Sam and Dean. The brothers parted and quickly made their way to Gabriel, leaving a confused Amelia. They left the house quickly, closing the door behind them. They hurried to Gabe's car and all got in, Gabe driving of course. He started the car and they tore off down the road.

Cas had the most confused look on his face. He looked over at his brother. "Gabe, why..?"

"She's a bad person, Castiel."

"What do you mean?"

"She's done things. I've seen her do things. She's evil," he muttered, gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. "I don't trust her, even if she's our mother. She shouldn't have even been there. After what she did to Luci..."

Cas wanted to ask Gabe more, but by the Gabe trailed off, Cas figured he didn't want to say anything else. He faced forward, looking out the windshield, thinking about what just happened.

He had so many questions, and he was sure Sam did as well, but he stayed silent, still reflecting on what happened.

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