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The next day at school, Sam had made sure to avoid Cas all day.

He was able to avoid him until lunch.

He was sitting under the bleachers when Dean and Gabe walked under, holding hands. He discreetly rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Hey Sammy," Dean said softly as he sat down next to him, Gabe on the other side of Dean.

"Hi Dean. Hi Gabriel."

"Hey Sam." Gabe smiled at him.

Sam had to admit; Gabriel was kind of cool. He liked how Gabe actually called him Sam and not Sammy like some of Dean's 'girlfriends' used to.

The three sat there, talking about anything that came to mind, before Dean asked, "where's Cas?"

"He's probably in the band room," Gabe said, yawning.

Dean furrowed his eyebrows. "Band room? He's in the band?"

"No. He just goes in there to play his guitar."

"He plays a guitar?"

"Yeah. And he sings."

"Woah, cool! Let's go watch him!"

"Uh...alright." Gabe shrugged and stood.

Dean stood up and held out his hand to his little brother. "C'mon Sammy!"

Not wanting to protest, Sam took his hand and got up. The three left the bleachers and headed inside the school to the band room.

They got to the room, but before they went in, they heard female voices; giggling and talking.

"Do you know Dodie?"

"Um, yeah, I think I do...doesn't she play a ukulele?"


The three peeked into the room and saw four girls with their backs to the door. Cas was facing the door, but never noticed the three.

Gabe and Dean grinned and looked away. "C'mon. Let's leave him to his fans." Dean said with a chuckle, starting to walk away with Gabe.

Sam didn't move though. He noticed the tight smiles Cas was giving the four. His eyes showed obvious signs of either hauling ass out the room or hauling the girls out one by one.

He didn't know what made him do it, but he opened the door, gaining the attention of the five. "Castiel, Mr. Singer wants you."

The girls glared at Sam, mad he ruined their fun. Cas on the other hand gave Sam a look that said, "my hero".

He picked up his guitar and gave the girls a sheepish smile. "Sorry guys. Maybe next time, yeah?"


Cas smiled once more at them before leaving the room, brushing by Sam who was holding the door for him.

One of the girls muttered, "fucking freak," earning a middle finger from Sam.

He closed the door and looked over at Cas, who was looking up at him with curious, but thankful eyes. "Does he really..." he trailed off when Sam shook his head.

Sam's eyes widened as Cas suddenly hugged him, burying his face in his chest. "Thank you..." he mumbled against him.

Once again; he didn't know what made him do it, but he hugged Cas back, a very, very faint smile appearing on his lips.

When Cas pulled away, he had a big smile on his face. "Let's go before they come out," he said softly. He took Sam's hand in one hand, kept his guitar in the other, then pulled him away from the band room.

Sam let Cas pull him away, (pretty much submitting to the smaller, but older, boy) doing what ever Cas wanted and going wherever he wanted. What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm acting like he's my fucking master! He thought, slightly confused. But, he didn't do anything about it.

Oh, I am such a little bitch.

We're 18 and Crazy 》Sastiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now