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~One week later~

Castiel's hospital room quiet. The only noise being the soft hum of the machines and the tv.

Sam was the only one in the room at time. He had fell asleep with his head on the bed, next to Cas' arm and holding his hand tightly. When he woke up, he realized he was alone and found a note saying that Chuck went out to get food, Michael had a class that he had to get to, and Dean and Gabe needed to get out of the hospital for a bit.

He sighed softly and looked down at Cas, who was still unconscious. He picked up the boy's hand again and held it between both of his. "Cas, please wake up soon. I need you. Or at least do something. Twitch, move your head, I don't care. Just do something!" He dropped his head, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks, still holding Cas' hand.


Sam's head shot up towards Cas' heart monitor. The lines had began to grow taller and the beeps got faster. He watched enough hospital shows to figure out that his heart rate had sped up. Didn't really need a genius to know that though. He looked down at Cas just in time to see his lips twitch. His eyes started to twitch as well, making Sam start to grin a little. "I know you heard me... Now, c'mon you stubborn bastard, wake up!"

Sam watched as Cas eyes began to move very slowly. "Come on, Cas..." He gasped when Cas' eyes fluttered open. "Cas!"

Cas blinked slowly and tried to move his head, but was stopped by Sam. He tried to open his mouth to talk, but couldn't because of the tube.

Sam let go of his hand and jumped up. "I-I'll be right back!" He ran out into the hall, finding the nearest doctor and pulling him to Cas' room.

The doctor saw Cas awake and hurried to get a couple of nurses. When they got back, they made Sam step away from him so they could do their jobs.

"Castiel, we need to take out the breathing tube. It's going to hurt, so be ready."

Cas blinked at the doctor, before shutting his eyes. He felt the tube start to move. He whimpered loudly as the slowly pulled it out. There were a few tears falling from his eyes.

Sam saw the pain in his face and wanted nothing more than to pull him into his arms.

Once the tube was out, Cas opened his eyes and suddenly dry heaved. One of the nurses rushed over to him with a bed-pan and he turned his head and threw up into it. He coughed when he was finished and saw stomach acid, and a few pills in the pan before the nurse took it away. A different one helped him rinse his mouth with water and spit into another pan. They forced him back on his back and started to do more tests on him.

Sam waited until they finished and left the room before going back over to him.

Cas turned his head away from Sam, not wanting to look him in the eyes. He gulped a little before whispering, "Why am I here?"

Sam furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"No one was at my house. Everyone was at work or school. I had planned it already...no one was there, so I could've died in my room and no one would have found me until tonight..."

"Tonight?" Sam questioned, but then realized that Cas still thought it was last Wednesday. "Cas, you...you've been in a coma for the past week..."

"Why didn't someone just kill me then?"


"I shouldn't be here. I should be dead and in hell where I belong.. How did I get here? Who even found me?"

"I found you, Cas. I got your note and ran to your house." Sam sat down in his chair again.

"Why didn't you leave me there?! After I caused you so much pain and sadness... I deserve to die."

"No, Cas, listen to me. And look at me, please."

Cas reluctantly turned his head and looked at Sam.

"Cas, you did hurt me, but this past month without you was hell. I...missed you so much. Everyday I wanted to talk to you and ask if we can get together again, but I couldn't. I was...afraid. Don't ask why, but I was. That day, I was going to force myself to go to your house, but I found your note and I knew what you were going to do..."

"How did you know? What if I was just leaving town or something?"

"Cas, I know a suicide note when I see one. Trust me, I know. When I got to your house and found you, my world was crushed. The thought of losing you and never getting you back broke me." Sam gently took Cas hand. "I still love you, Castiel. And...I forgive you."

Cas sniffled and raised his other hand, cupping his cheek. "Thank you, Sam..thank you so much."

Sam smiled and leaned down, kissing his forehead. "I'm not kissing you on the lips after you just threw up."

Cas chuckled softly. "Understandable."

Sam pulled away and sat back down. "I do need you to start doing something for me though."

"What is it?"

"Start eating again. Everyone knows what you've been doing with your food."

Cas looked away. "I kept telling them that I didn't want to eat, but they kept giving me stuff, so I either flushed it or threw it away.."

"Cas, you need to start eating again. You're malnourished now."

Cas sighed again. "I-I need help, Sam. I know I do."

"I'm going to help you, Cas. I promise I'll help you."


I make them cry so much in this fic wtf.

Are you guys happy now? Cassie is alive!! :D

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