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Sam looked up from the chair he was sitting in just in time to see Chuck run in. He looked down, not making eye contact with him.

"Sam? Sam, what's going on?" Chuck asked quickly, squatting in from of the boy.

Sam opened his mouth to speak, but only a small sob came out. He tried again and finally found his voice. "I-I found a note I my locker from Cas. He...He told me sorry and goodbye." He heard Chuck draw in a sharp breath. "I-I realized what was going on and ran to your house. I went up to his room and-and found him with pill bottles surrounding him and a bottle of whiskey next to him..."

Chuck stood up and dropped in the chair next to Sam. He shut his eyes tightly, while trying to settle his breathing. Not Castiel... Not my little boy.. No...

"I'm sorry," Sam whispered out, not once looking up.

Chuck opened his eyes and placed his hand on Sam's back. "Sam, it's not your fault. I just... Thank you for finding him, Sam."

Sam nodded and wiped his eyes. "D-Do you want me to call Gabriel and Dean?" He asked, finally looking up at him.

Chuck nodded. "Go ahead." He moved his hand from Sam's back.

Sam stood up and walked out the hospital, taking out his phone. He dialed Dean's number and waited for him to answer.

"Sammy, where are you?! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Dean exclaimed as soon as he answered the phone.

"Dean, c-come to the hospital and bring Gabe.."

"What's going on, Sam?"

"...Cas tried to kill himself..."

Dean was silent for a moment. "We're on our way."

They hung up and Sam was about to go back inside, but remembered the other contact in his phone. He quickly found Michael's name and called him.

"Hello, Sam,"Michael said softly. "This is a surprise. What's up?"

"Michael...come to the hospital...it's Cas."

"What's wrong with my brother?!"

"He-He tried-" Sam couldn't bring himself to say it again, but it seemed like Michael figured it out.

"I'm on my way!"

Sam hung up the phone and dropped his head. This is my fault... All my fault...

Less than 20 minutes later, Gabe, Michael, and Dean all made it to the hospital around the same time. Michael ran up to him, quickly hugged him, whispering thank you, then ran inside. Gabe ran past him, the only thing on his mind being his brother. Dean went up to Sam and hugged him tightly. "He's gonna be alright, Sammy," he whispered softly.

Dean pulled his crying brother into the hospital, beginning to cry himself. Sure, Cas had gotten on his bad side with what he did, but that was still his best friend.

They don't know how long they waited, but a doctor finally came out and called for the Novak family. He walked over and gave them all a small smile. "We were able to pump his stomach and get most of the pills out. There are still a few, but he can and will probably throw them up. But..." He sighed softly. "Unfortunately, he's slipped into a coma... He was already in one when we got to him. We believe that he will wake up though." He looked over at Sam, recognizing him as the one who brought Cas in. "It's good that you found him in time. A few minutes later, and..." He trailed off.

Gabe threw himself into Sam, hugging him tightly. "You saved him," he kept repeating into his chest.

"Can we see him?" Michael asked quickly.

The doctor nodded. "Yes. He's in room 65, third floor. Another thing, has he been eating? He was very malnourished."

Chuck nodded. "Yes, he has. I would bring him his food every night and when I would go back to check on him, it would be gone."

"Any dogs or anything?"

"No, no."

"Bathroom in his bedroom?"

"Yes- oh no..." Chuck dropped his head, cursing himself. "He must've been flushing everything I gave him..."

The doctor nodded and frowned lightly. "You can go ahead and see him now."

The five of them went to the elevator and got on. The went to the third floor and after checking every door, they found 65. Chuck opened the door and they all piled in, looking at Cas.

Cas laid on the bed, still looking pale. They had put him in a hospital gown and had multiple machines and iv's connected to him. There was a breathing tube in his mouth as well. His chest rose and fell very, very slowly.

But, in all, he looked kind of...peaceful.

We're 18 and Crazy 》Sastiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now