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Sam woke up the next morning and rubbed his eyes, yawning. He sat up and looked over at Dean, finding him still asleep.

He smiled softly and quietly got out of bed. He looked at the time and saw he had about 30 minutes before he knew he had to get ready for school. He went to his dresser and got dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt, not bothering to cover his scars yet.

He picked up his phone and headphones, then put them on. He headed out the house quietly and turned on his music before running up the street. He ignored the pain in his lower region from what his father did the night before and pushed himself harder.

Sam ran and ran until he was out of breath. He paused on the sidewalk, breathing heavily. He wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and looked at his phone, checking the time. He had about 15 more minutes before he had to be home.

He sucked in more air before he took off back down the sidewalk.

He ran for less than 10 minutes before he knew he should stop. He didn't really want to pass out on the sidewalk. He started to walk, slowly regaining his breath back. He looked over in the street as a car passed him and before he knew it, someone was slamming into him. He reached out and grabbed their arm to stop them and pull them up.

"I'm so sorry-!"

Sam realized that it was Cas and let go of his arm. "Watch where you're going next time," he muttered before running past him.

He ran the rest of the way home, wanting to be as far away from Cas as possible. The boy made him mad, but there was another emotion that he felt when he was around him.

When he got home, he immediately went upstairs and went to his room. He rolled his eyes at Dean who was just waking up. "What time is it?" Dean asked groggily.

"Five after seven," Sam replied, getting his clothes ready.

Dean groaned and got out of Sam's bed. He looked at his brother and saw his hair matted to his head. "You were running again, huh?"

"Yeah. It keeps you healthy."

"But at what cost, Sam?" Dean asked, though he didn't wait for a reply, he just left the room.

Sam rolled his eyes and smiled  before he went into his bathroom, where he did his morning routine.

20 minutes later, he was finished in the bathroom and was downstairs eating cereal and waiting for Dean.

John walked in and looked at Sam. "I'm surprised you can still sit, boy."

Sam's face turned a dark red. He shoveled cereal into his mouth, not looking at or acknowledging his father.

When Dean finally came downstairs and had ate his own breakfast, Sam eagerly got up and left the house, grabbing his booksack that was by the door, Dean following behind him.

They got in Dean's car and Dean began driving them to school.

"Alright, Sammy, remember; at lunch you're meeting him, so be nice, alright?"

"I'll try Dean."

"I mean, I really like him Sam and I don't want anything to happen between us."

"I know Dean."

"He's everything I want in a man. Honestly."


"...too much, I'm sorry."

"It's alright Dean."

The two spent the rest of the ride talking about Dean's lover. By the time they made it to school, Sam was positive that Dean wanted to marry this boy and would if he could. They got out of the car and walked to the school.

"I'll probably show him and his brother to where we stay for lunch," Dean said before he went off his own way.

"Wait, I'm meeting the brother too?!"

"Of course. I mean, he is meeting mine as well."

Sam rolled his and shook his head before walking off to his locker. He unlocked it and got his stuff for his first class before closing and locking it back. He started walking to the library, passing by the band room. He heard music coming from it and paused, then looked in.

"18, crazy, pulled up in your daddy's car. You wanna move in with me; guess we're off to a heavy start."

"Shoulda seen this coming; from a mile away. 18, crazy, I know what you want from me. I know what you want from me..."

"So if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them; show them you're all grown up. If long hair and tattoos are what attract you, baby then you're in luck."

"And I know it's just a phase; you're not in love with me. You wanna piss off your parents baby. Piss off your parents, that's all right with me."

Sam watched the boy sing and play his guitar. He then realized who was playing. Castiel?! He thought, surprised.

Cas stopped playing and singing after a few minutes and looked up towards the door, right into Sam's eyes.

Sam immediately turned his head and quickly walked away from the door, eyes wide with amazement.

The bell for first block rang a few minutes later and he headed to class, still thinking about Cas playing that guitar, the only thing repeating in his head being; Woah.

We're 18 and Crazy 》Sastiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now