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Cas walked and walked and walked, unknowing of his destination. He didn't want to go home; knowing Gabe and Dean would ask why he was home so early. He didn't want to tell them that he and Sam got into an argument. He felt as if they would be pissed at him for some reason.

With a sigh, he sat down on a swing and firmly gripped the chains of it. He started to lightly swing back and forth, while looking down at his feet.

He thought about Sam not trusting him and tears sprang to his eyes. He was hurt. He trusted Sam with his life, yet Sam probably wouldn't trust him with his. He didn't know what he did to make Sam not trust him. Was it because he was Lucifer's brother? Did Sam not trust any Novak now?

Cas sat on the swings for God knows how long. He was pulled away from his thoughts when he heard his name being called. He looked up with furrowed eyebrows and noticed the long-haired, tall boy standing a few feet away from him. He looked...familiar. "Can I help you?"

"Cas, right?"


"It's me! Jared!"

Cas titled his head slightly, mentally digging through his files for any Jared's. His eyes suddenly widened a bit. "Jared Padalecki?"*


"Oh my God!" Cas exclaimed as he jumped up and threw his arms around Jared, hugging him tightly. "It's been forever!"

Jared laughed and hugged him back. "Yeah it has!"

Jared was Cas' best friend when they were younger. They had developed crushes on each other and eventually started dating. Sadly, they had broken up, because Jared moved away. Cas remembered how devastating that had been.

Jared and Cas started to talk, catching up. "Are you seeing anyone right now?" Jared asked, looking over at Cas from his swing.

Cas nodded and hummed softly. "His name is Sam."

"Does he go to our school?"


"Maybe I'll meet him then!"

Cas' head shot up and he looked at Jared. "You're...coming back?!"

"Surprise," Jared said with a grin.

Cas cheered and smiled. He was finally getting his best friend back!

"Hey, Cas, I gotta go," Jared said standing. "We still have to unpack everything."

"Alright." Cas stood with him and hugged him. "We have to catch up more some time!"

"Of course! Maybe after school sometime this week."


The two let go and went their separate ways. Cas started walking home, feeling a lot more happier than before; his thoughts of Sam long forgotten.


*fourth wall? What fourth wall?

We're 18 and Crazy 》Sastiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now