16| Idk

53 5 9

I don't know what crap I should be talking about.


Pen-pals. Definitely. Yeah.

So, Sumner guy decided to give us homeworks. And that homework is to write a letter to one of the students from pinck-what-ever-that-is school in the other country.

And here's the first paragraph of the letter I just finished:

Hello...It's me.. I've been wonderi-- Time out. Restart.

Hey, I am sending this letter to get to know more about you and maybe we can be friends? To start this letter, let me introduce myself. My name is Tiffany Angel Fang, I'm 14 and I have awesome parents whose age differs by 8 years. They're so awesome because their jokes are so cringe-worthy. Yes, for real. And then there's my jokes and lame singing voice. If you were in my class, and I was singing, your eardrums would probably blow up and the window's glass would crack. No, I'm kidding. That's what you call hyperbole. HA HA HA.

And Sumner guy asked us to finish the letter by Monday. And I can't think of anything funny! I wanted to have a funny and friendly impression on them, but I can't even make up a friendly conversation, for god's sake! I am not good with giving good first impression and I'll probably fucked up.

Tell me what I should talk about to a stranger from another country. Those who help me will get a dedication for the next chapter. Comment down below, seriously. Don't ignore me like you did when I asked you to guess my birthday date (First book, pshh screw the chapter). That was depressing for me.

*Hugs you all*

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