Chapter 2

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This is like a second home to all of us. We grew up here together. I hope nothing is able to separate us.

Dinah's POV
After almost an hour on homework we finally finish.

"This was the accomplishment of the day. Finishing calculous homework in under 120 minutes or 2 hours," I say laying back on my bed.

"Dinah that's the same thing just using different words," Normani points out. Dinah sticks her tongue out at her only for Normani to do the same thing.

"Ugh children," Camila says rolling her eyes.

"You're one to talk Camila," Lauren says playfully pushing her. Ally and Zendaya giggle at their silliness.

"I'm going down stairs to get a snack. Who's coming with?"Normani announces. Everyone except Zendaya and I get up.

"We'll be down in a sec," I say. They all leave. Zendaya looks over at me. When ever I look in those brown orbs I feel butterflies in my stomach. She gets up coming towards me, her eyes never leaving mine. Her tall figure hovers over mine. Her soft lips connect with mine. I felt sparks all through my body. I melted at her touch.

My hands travel up to her neck. She wraps her arms around my waist. I wrap my legs around her pulling her down on the bed. The kiss becomes more rushed and intense as the moments pass. Then suddenly it stops while Z is on top of me.

"Um...we should p-probably get downstairs," she says nervously. I nod biting my lip. She gets off me walking out the door. I sit up on the bed, taking in everything that just happened. What was that?

Zendaya's POV
I begin walking down the stairs only to be laughed at. Normani and Camila start making kissy faces at me. They know about my crush on Dinah, so I expect this from them. 

"What were you two doing?" Camila asks slyly handing me a pack of cookies.

"Nothing we just cleaned up Dinah's room. After all of you made a mess with your schoolwork," I said. I felt little arms wrap around my leg. I looked down to see Dinah's little brother Seth. I picked him up. "Hey Seth. How you doin' little guy?" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and set him back down on the floor. Dinah came down stairs only to get the same interrogation I got. We all sat on the couch.

"Alright you two be honest, what were you doing?" Ally asked kindly.

"Nothing we were just-"

"Doing nothing sexual right, 'cause you know we don't allow those gay sinners in our house. Right Dinah?" her mother said interrupting me. Dinah nodded and looked down at her bag of chips. If you looked over at Camila and Lauren they both looked livid. If looks could kill her mother would be six feet under right now.

Next Morning...
3rd Person's POV

The group exits the car and begins to walk to the school building. The events of the day before still shook them all.

What had Mama Milika had against gay people? I'd never think that she would ever stoop that low.

These were only few of the thoughts running through their heads. They walked through the front doors. The girls all separated going to their lockers, leaving Zendaya and Dinah to walk together to their own lockers.

"Dinah are you okay? You've been kinda quiet lately," Zendaya pointed out kindly. She just nodded and went back to pulling things out her locker. Arms wrapped around Dinah's waist. Dinah turned around finding her other crush Justin gazing into her eyes.

"Hi Justin," She said nervously.

"Hey Dinah. How are you?" He asked.

"Fine thanks for asking," she said twirling a loc of her hair.

"You look beautiful today. Where are you heading to?" he asked flirtatiously.

"Music class. You could walk with me if you'd like," she said. While all of this was happening Zendaya was slowly becoming more and more enraged. Not only was Dinah forgetting of her presence, she was openly flirting with someone else in front of her. So to be noticed she cleared her throat and closed her locker. "Oh sorry Z, you could walk with us if you'd like," Dinah said locking arms with Zendaya.

"That's fine she'll meet you there. I actually needed to talk to her for quick second," Justin said pulling Zendaya away by her arm. They walked over to the entrance near Justin's first class(which by the way was far from Zendaya's first class).

"So Zendaya it seems like you have a problem with me talking to Dinah. Just a head's up if you do fix that problem, because Dinah is mine. So stay away from her gay trash," he said pushing her to the side.

(A/N: Happy Valentine's Day ❤


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