Chapter 38

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"Not a single one."

Zendaya's POV

Journey, my mom and I drove to school. After visiting the doctor, I thought it would be nice to pick Dinah up from school. I've missed her all day and felt bad that I had to stay home without taking care of Journey. But if we didn't want her to get sick it's what had to be done. 

We pulled up in front of the school and waited. "What time is it?" mom asked. I looked down at my phone.

"Two fifty-eight," I answered. 

"Is this the time she usually gets out?" Mom asked.

"Yeah. She has tutoring somedays but I don't think she has it today. I wonder what's taking her so long," I replied. We waited for a few more minutes and saw her walk out of the front building with her mom. "What's Mrs. Milika doing here?"

"Why don't you go take Journey to her since she is here?" 

"But she was suppose to go home with us today."

"Daya," mom said in a warning tone. I mumbled fine as I got out of the car and towards the back. I put the mask the doctor gave me over my face before picking up Journey. I grabbed her baby bag and closed the car door. 

"Dinah!" I called out. My girlfriend and her mother both looked towards me. I saw Mrs. Milika whisper something to her as I made my way to them. "Hi."

"Hey. Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Dinah asked.

"I was but we went to the doctors office," I answered. "Hi Mrs. Milika."

"Hello Zendaya. Why do you have my grandchild?" the woman asked.

"Be..cause she's my daughter?" I said more like a question. I thought we'd gotten passed this by now.

"Mom, not now," Dinah said. She took Journey from my hands and kissed her cheek. I kissed her other cheek through the mask before looking into Dinah's eyes. We smiled at each other before we heard snickers from behind me. I looked up to see Marissa and her friends.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"How disgusting this is," Marissa said, making her friends giggle. 

"Why's this disgusting?" 

"Why're you wearing a mask?" 

"Cause I'm sick asshat," I cursed.

"Daya! The baby," Dinah said swatting my arm. I covered Journey's ears. 

"Nothing over here is disgusting but your attitude. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't say those things about my family. Bite me bitch," I shot. The blonde rolled her eyes before walking away with her friends. 

"I'll see you later," Dinah said. 

"Okay. Bye mamas. I love you both and I would give you a kiss but I'm too sick," I said. I rubbed Journey's back and gave Dinah a hug. "Bye Mrs. Hansen."

Dinah walked away but her mom stayed. "Zendaya, can we talk for a second?" she asked.

"Sure what's up?" 

"I just want to say thank you for sticking up for Dinah and Journey."

"It's no problem. I do it all the time. If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"

"Dinah got into some trouble at school." 


"If you wanted to come to dinner, I wouldn't mind," Milika said kindly.

I smiled sadly. "I really would Mrs. Milika but I don't wanna get anyone sick. Especially Journey."

"I understand sweetie. If you're feeling better or change your mind, the doors always open." I nodded before heading back to the car. I sat in the car confusedly.

That was really weird. Mrs. Milika was...nice.

Dinah's POV

I dressed Journey in her fourth outfit this afternoon. After I finished I changed my own outfit. I looked down at J who kicked around on the bed.

"Can we please keep these clean this time?" I asked the baby. She smiled and kicked around excitedly. I smiled brightly at her.

I love my baby girl so much. She's my everything.

I picked her up and tossed her in the air playfully. "I love you so much J. Yes I do. Yes I do." A knock on the door interrupted our playtime.

"Who could that be Journey? I wonder," I giggled. "It's open!" Mom walked in my room nervously. My expression immediately changed. "Mama, what's wrong?"

"There's someone downstairs with Seth I think you should see," Mom said. I picked up Journey and we all walked downstairs. In the living room I found my dad and Seth sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed. He stood, embracing me in a bear hug.

"Hey princess." He leaned down and smiled at the angel in my arms. "Who's this little one?"

"This is Journey. Your granddaughter." He gasped happily.

"I got a grandkid. Hey baby girl," he said to Journey.

"Wanna hold her?" He nodded and carefully took her from my arms.

"She's beautiful." The blue eyed baby gurgled and smiled at her grandfather. "I'm so proud of you princess." He kissed my forehead.

I smiled up at him. "Thank you daddy."

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