Chapter 45

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It was only a matter of time before she snapped.

2 Years Later...

"Journey wake up princess," Zendaya cooed. Journey groaned softly with her pasifier still in her mouth. She still didn't open her eyes though. "Sweetie c'mon we gotta go."

Journey turned towards her mother rubbing her eyes with her little fists. "Hi Journey. It's time to go. We're moving today."

The blue eyed baby put her arms out for Zendaya. The brunette picked up Journey and met everyone else downstairs. Dinah stood at the bottom of the steps. "Poor baby. I didn't want to wake her up," Dinah cooed.

"It's okay. She'll probably fall asleep again in the car," Zendaya assured. The couple met up with everyone else outside. Zendaya put Journey in her carseat allowing Dinah to walk to her mother's van.

"I'm gonna follow the truck and meet you guys there," Milika said.

"That sounds like a good idea. But you don't have to come if you don't want to," Dinah said.

"We haven't even got there and you're already trying to kick me out." Dinah giggled.

"It's not that. I just don't want anyone to see it until it's furnished and stuff."

"Dinah Jane. I am your mother. I've seen you not furnished and stuff," Milika joked. "I'll see you at the house."

"Okay mama." Dinah kissed her mother on the cheek before walking to her and Zendaya's new car. Zendaya kissed Dinah's cheek and started the car.

"Let's go!"


All the boxes were off the truck and everyone was in the house.

"This house is gonna look so pretty once it's furnished and decorated," Camila said.

"It really is," Lauren agreed. Normani sat on the back porch as she watched Journey to run around. She looked extremely sad and tired.

Dinah noticed and walked to the back porch as well. She sat next to her best friend, laying her head on the girl's shoulder. "I miss her too Mani," Dinah said.

"Yeah, I g-guess," Normani replied. She quickly wiped the tear that fell from her eye.

"Don't cry. She told you not to cry when she left," Dinah said. Normani nodded.

"I know. It's just weird to wake up to her face almost everyday and now she's halfway across the world," Normani said. "I miss her so much."

Dinah wrapped her arms around the older girl. "It's okay. She misses you too."

Ally had gone over seas. While in college she was offered a chance to study abroad in Europe. It was a hard decision to make but, after a while Normani convinced her it would be a great opportunity. The brunette was kind of regretting that now.

"She'll be back before you know it Manz. You gotta keep your spirit up though, okay?"

"Okay DJ. I love you."

"I love you too. Now, you wanna help me get Journey in the house or unpack?"

"I'm gonna go unpack," Normani giggled as she stood.



Zendaya waved goodbye as she watched everyone get into their cars and drive away. "Bye!"

She closed the door, turning to her and Dinah's new home. "Baby! Come here!" Zendaya shouted.

Dinah walked down the stairs with a half awake Journey in her arms. "It's almost bed time for the little one," Dinah said. Zendaya smiled at her daughter before kissing her forehead.

"C'mon, let's sit outside for a bit," Zendaya said. The two walked outside into their backyard. They then sat in the grass and laid back, gazing at the starry night sky. "Do you remember what today is?"

"The day we moved in to our first house?" Dinah guessed making Zendaya laugh.

"No. Guess again," Zendaya said.

"Ummm....the day everyone helped us move into our first house?" Zendaya let out a chuckle.

"No. It was the day I told you about my feelings," Zendaya said. Dinah turned towards her girlfriend and held her sleeping baby close.

"Really?" Dinah asked. The brunette nodded. The Polynesian reached out, cupping Zendaya's cheek. "Its been two years. Two amazing years with you and our little one."

Zendaya leaned forward and kissed Dinah's soft lips. "Do you know what else today is?" Dinah nodded this time.

"It w-was the day Journey was...c-conceived," Dinah said. She let out a shaky breath. "She's grown so much since then."

"Yeah, she has. You have too Dinah. You've gotten so strong and you barely even think about him anymore." Zendaya sat up in the grass. "I'll be right back. Don't move."

Dinah sat up confusedly as she watched her girlfriend run into the house. "Your mother is a strange one J."

Zendaya came out of the house and sat back next to the blonde. "I was gonna wait until we finished unpacking but now seemed like as good a time as ever."

Zendaya took a small velvet box from behind her back. "Dinah ever since we were little kids you've been my best friend. I knew even at eleven that we'd be together some day. When we did get together all I could think about was starting a family with you and getting married. Then little Journey came along and everything was almost perfect. I want to make it perfect and official now that we have our own house and family. So Dinah Jane-"

"Yes!" Dinah smiled brightly as tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry go ahead and say it!"

"Will you-"

"Yes! Urg sorry!"

"Will you marry me?" Zendaya rushed out.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Dinah answered. She watched as Zendaya with a shaky hand put the ring on her finger.

 She watched as Zendaya with a shaky hand put the ring on her finger

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"I know it's not much but-"

"It's perfect," Dinah cried. She then pulled Zendaya into a kiss and hug. "I love you so much Zendaya. "

"I love you more Dinah Jane." Journey wriggled around in Dinah's arms. "And our little Journey."

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