Chapter 9

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This is all my fault. I got Dinah in trouble. And I'm almost certain our moms are going to keep us separated.

Two Months Later...
Dinah's POV

I woke up feeling terrible. It was extremely hot in my room, I felt nauseous, and worst of all Zendaya wasn't there to comfort me. I miss my baby so much. She hasn't been allowed to call me or see me. I know this is all my fault.

My thoughts were interrupted when my mom walked into my room. "Get dressed you're going to school," she said abruptly.
I sighed and tried to get up but I couldn't. I felt a sharp pain go up the back of my leg. Tears brimmed my eyes. I let out a small screech. I didn't expect to have these type of pains. Regina walked passed by bedroom. She seen me crying.

"Dinah what's wrong?"she asked curiously.

"It's nothing, don't worry about me." She walked up to me and wrapped her small arms around my waist. She wiped my tears for me.

"Its okay don't cry. I don't like seeing you sad."

"I know, but I'll be okay. Go get dressed for school and I'll be down in a little." She nodded and skipped away. I got up from my bed and looked in the mirror. I still had bruises on my body. They were clearly visible on my arms. I got dressed in something simple that wouldn't draw much attention to myself.
We pulled up to the front of the school. "Dinah I'm sorry to make you do this, but you need to," Milika said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Is this because of what happened with me and Zendaya?" Dinah asked crossing her arms.

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Either way you'd still have to go at some point."

"What do you have against gay people? So what if I like girls. At the end of the da-"

"Don't you take that tone with me young lady. Now go to school. I'll pick you up later."

"Whatever," Dinah mumbled rolling her eyes. I put my hood over my head while getting out of the car. I heard my mom yell a few things after me. Quickly I rushed towards my locker. As I was taking things out of my locker I saw Ally approach me.

"Hi Dinah. How're you feeling?" Ally asked.

"Not good at all. I shouldn't really be here."

"I was just about to ask you that. So you wanna tell me why you are here?"

"I honestly don't know myself. My mom hasn't told me." Ally nodded. She knew what happened. The night it did happen I called her crying my eyes out. We began walking to music class. I saw the girls sitting down. The teacher seen me. She came over to me and the girls.

"Hello Dinah. How's everything?"

"It's okay I guess."

"Okay just let me know if you need anything alright?" she said. Dinah slowly nodded. The teacher walked back to her desk. Dinah put her head down on her desk. The girls shared glances at each other. Looks of concern, confusion, and worry. A few more students came into the room and took there seats. One of those students passed Dinah's desk, knocking a few books off of her desks.

"Hoe." Dinah's head shot up. She looked around for who ever said that.

"Ignore them Dinah," Camila said.

"Yeah ignore us Dinah. I heard you love to do what you want anyway. I also heard you like getting on your knees for guys." She knew who's voice that was. Marisa Clark.

One of the few people that bullied people for their enjoyment. Normani hated her. She played her on a date once. Embarrassed Ally to the point that she didn't want to come to school. Never got Lauren and Camila. It was because she had once been friends with them, and just found it pointless to talk to them.

"This isn't happening," Dinah mumbled to herself.

"Oh believe me honey. It totally is," Marisa taunted. "You're a slut who has to deal with someone else's baby. I thought you and Zendaya were a thing. Or is she not coming back? Never saw you as the cheating type, but hey who am I to judge. Everyone likes a change," she cackled.

"Leave her alone. She didn't do anything," Lauren said going over to her desk.

"Cleary she did. Look at her. Embarrassment written all over her face because it's true."

"No it's not you bitch and you know it!" Dinah said. She lunged towards her only to be held back. Ally held onto her waist with the help of Normani. "Let go of me. I'm calm, I'm calm." Just as the girls let go of her Dinah reached over and pulled Marisa back by her hair. She began punching her repeatedly. Marisa got a few hits in. The teacher came over and pulled Marisa away from Dinah. "This is exactly why I didn't want to come back."

Dinah stormed out of the classroom. She could hear her friends voices calling after her. But she ignored them. She walked towards the empty football stadium. The young Polynesian pulled her legs up to her chest and quietly sobbed.


Zendaya walked down the hallways toward the cafeteria. She was running late to breakfast because she had trouble with her uniform. She was sent to a boarding school for girls. It didn't make sense to her. Her mom sent her to an all girls school because she was dating a girl. Now in Claire's eyes she might have her reasons for it making sense. To Zendaya she was just flat out confused.

Continuing to walk to the cafeteria she'd seen a couple other students walking in at the same time. Quickly she grouped up making it seem like she was with them. They dispersed into the lunch lines. An older woman walked into the room. Conversations began to silence and attention went to her.

"Excuse me ladies," her voice boomed. "I am Principal Winston. Please finish your breakfast quickly so we can begin classes." Everyone went back to their breakfast. Zendaya pulled out her phone. She had just recently gotten it back from her mom before she left. Principal Winston came over to her. "Young lady I do believe you aren't allowed to have cell phones outside of your dorm room."

"Oh I apologize. I didn't realize-"

"No need to apologize. Just give me your phone and this will be over." Zendaya reluctantly gave her the phone. "You can retrieve it tomorrow at the end of the day in my office."


The day went by in a blur. They hadn't seen each other in two months, and Zendaya missed Dinah terribly. In only a few short days she had become more attached to the Polynesian, than she ever had. Her phone had been taken away by the Principal so she couldn't text or call her. The only good thing to come out of all of this were a few friends, a couple girls she had met in gym.

Zendaya took off her uniform and put on some sweatpants and a jacket. The brunette took off the glasses she'd been wearing and put them on her nightstand. She walked next door to her friend's dorm room.

"Hey Daya. What brings you by?"

"Can I use your phone?"

"Sure come in." The girl stepped aside allowing Daya to walk in.

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