Chapter 26

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(A/N: Sorry guys I meant to update yesterday.)

"Okay mommy," Zendaya said wiping her tears.

The Next Morning...

Dinah woke up with a happy feeling. She couldn't wait to see Zendaya at school. Dinah sat up and rubbed her stomach. "Good Morning baby. Thanks for letting mommy get some sleep. I can't wait to see you. And neither can Momma." She got up and began to get dressed for the day.

Meanwhile at the Oakland County Hopsital, Zendaya sat in a hospital gown waiting for results she already knew the answer to. Her mom had asked but, she never answered. "Daya say something," Claire pleaded.

Zendaya continued staring at the floor and asked, "Why?"

"I'm getting nowhere with these one word answers you keep giving me. Tell me something that happened. Something anything," Claire begged.

"The room was dark," Zendaya said not looking up. She was not okay. Claire rolled her eyes and mumbled something inaudible. The doctor came in with the results.


Dinah walked into the school and looked around for Zendaya. She wasn't at her locker so she assumed Z was in class already.

Dinah got her stuff from her locker and went to first period. She sat in her seat and saw Z wasn't there. She tapped Lauren on the shoulder. "Where's Z?"

"I don't know. She wasn't at her locker?" Lauren asked.

"No. That's weird she hasn't missed school since her mom let her come back," Dinah said.

"Who hasn't?" Ally asked.

"Daya," Lauren said.

"Oh. Where's Mila?" Normani asked.

"She went on vacay with her family," Lauren replied.

"For how long?" Dinah asked.

"About 4 or 5 days. But she said she'll be back in time for your birth." I sure hope so, Dinah thought.


After 3rd period it was Dinah's lunch break. She was making her way to her locker when she saw Zendaya at her own locker. She walked up behind the brunette and wrapped her arms around her.

Zendaya spun around and put Dinah in a choke hold. She let go when she realized it was her pregnant girlfriend. "Oh my god Dinah I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you."

"It's okay. But why'd you choke me?" Dinah asked coughing.

"It's just...I've been on edge lately since I had my run in with my b-brother."

"Your brother?"

"Yeah I-I was home alone and he walked in my room a-and t-tried to-"

"You don't have to say baby okay? Not if you don't want to."

"Thank you," Zendaya said.  She hugged the shorter girl and kissed her cheek. "Let's go to-"

"Ahhhhhgggg!" Dinah yelled.

"What? What's wrong baby?" Zendaya asked alarmed.

"My stomach is tightening," Dinah said holding her stomach in pain. She leaned back against the lockers.

"What's wrong with Dinah?" Ally asked.

"I don't know. I think it's a contraction. Is it a contraction?" Zendaya asked.

"Holy shit!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Ms. Jauregui, watch your language," the nurse said.

"I think my water broke Ms. Caufmar," Dinah groaned. A trickle of water fell down Dinah's leg, alarming the nurse.

"Oh dear. Um I'm going to call your parents and an ambulance to come get you. Stay put," the woman said scurrying away.

"Wasn't planning on going anywhere bitch," Dinah said.

Oh well. I guess we have a baby on the way.

(A/N: Sorry that I haven't been updating like you want me too. I've just been working on some new books for all you Zendinah lovers out there. I'm hoping to publish it around Christmas. No later than Easter. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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