Chapter 63

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"I love you both so much. I'm going to fix it."

Ten Years Later...

Dinah sat outside the dressin room waiting for her daughter to finish trying on clothes. "Hurry up Journey. Your momma will be here any minute to pick you up," Dinah said knocking on the door.

"Yeah right. She'll probably send Tori to come get me knowing I don't like her," the twelve year old said.

"You shouldn't say things like that about Tori. If it weren't for her-"

"I know, I know. I wouldn't have a momma," Journey sassed. Dinah looked down at her phone and saw an unopened text message.

Justin👿- I did it

DamnDinah- Did what hoe bag

Justin👿- Killed her. You don't ket me see my daughter I don't let you see Zendaya. Simple as that. Have fun at her funeral.

DamnDinah- I don't believe you

He sent her a picture of Zendaya beaten on the dirty ground of an old warehouse. It brought tears to her eyes. "Okay so this is okay but, I'm not sur—Mommy what's wrong?" Journey asked rushing to her mother's side.

"Y-Your m-mom-mma," Dinah cried. "I'm so sorry baby."

"What's wrong with momma?" Journey asked.

"She's h-hurt re-eally b-badly." Dinah let out a loud sob and held her daughter close.

"M-Momma. No not momma," Journey said getting teary eyed. Tori walked in with a smile, but it disappeared when she saw Dinah and Journey crying.

"Guys what's wrong?" Tori asked.


"Momma's hurt."


They immediateky searched for her body and found her weak pulsed in the warehouse in the picture. Dinah cried for weeks and Tori was numb. Journey didn't know what to do. She was taking care of her mother as she refused to move from her bed. She hadn't eaten any of the meals she brought her either.

"Mommy," Journey called out softly from the doorway. Dinah turned towards her daughter and smiled weakly. She held her arms out for the blue eyed girl to run into. Journey shuffled under the comforters next to her mother. "Are you okay?"

"I try baby. I really am trying," Dinah said holding back her tears. Journey hugged Dinah Jane and kissed her temple.

"Can you please eat? An apple, ice cream, anything Mommy," Journey begged. Dinah looked at Journey.

"How about we share some Oreo ice cream and watch a movie?" Journey nodded before running off to get the cold snack. Dinah's phone buzzed on the nightstand. She reached over and unlocked the phone.

BlondeHoe🙄- She woke up

Dinah then flew out of the bed, throwing on any nearby clothing. "Journey, baby forget the ice cream! Your Mom woke up!" Dinah went into the bathroom and began spraying her body with the Febreeze. She put some Listerine in her mouth before swishing it around.

"Mom! Come one!" Journey shouted from the front of the apartment. Dinah spit out the blue liquid and ran to the front door. She grabbed her purse and keys and ran with her daughter to the car.

God, I hope she's alright.


Journey held Zendaya's hand and watched her as she slept. She was okay but she needed surgery and extreme therapy, physical and mental. She wondered what happened to her mama. Did she do something wrong? Who did this to her? And most importantly, why?

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