Chapter 4

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"Z I have something to confess," Normani said. Zendaya stopped walking giving Normani her full attention. "I like Ally and don't know how to tell her," she said.

"Wow. Um how long have you liked her," Zendaya asks timidly.

"A couple of weeks. I want to tell her, but I'm scared of how she'll react," Normani replied.

"Well if I were you I'd tell her. You know Ally is the most sweet and considerate person on earth. I'm pretty sure she likes you, and if she doesn't you'd still be friends," Zendaya advised.

"You're right. I should tell her. There's nothing to be afraid of. But Z you're one to talk. How are you going to just sit there and let Dinah date some other dude when you know you have feelings for her?" Normani asked.

Zendaya shrugged and said "It's different with Dinah. We've been bestfriends forever and she's already dating someone. I don't want to come in between them and make it more difficult for her."

"You know if this was anyone else you would've said something. How is Dinah any different?"

"One she's a girl and both our parents are homophobics. Two she's my bestfriend. And three we..." She whispered the last part.

"Come again Maree," Normani said.

"We kissed and don't use my middle name like that."

"You did what?!" Normani yelled bringing everyone's eyes to them. Once Camila heard Normani yell those words she rushed towards her followed by Lauren.

"What's going on?" They both asked worriedly.

"Zendaya and Dinah kissed!" Normani exclaimed.

"You what?!" Camren yelled.

"Shut up keep down. I don't want Dinah to know I told you," Zendaya said trying to quiet them all.

"So wait you're saying you don't want to tell her you like her why?" Camila said.

"You like Dinah?" Lauren asked confused.

"Yes Lauren keep up," Camila retorted.

"I don't want to say anything. I don't want to make things more complicated for her," Zendaya said softly.

"Well we don't care let's go," Normani said pulling her to the dressing room with the help of Camren. After a few minutes of struggling Zendaya gave up, and simply walked into the dressing room.

"Oh hey Z can you zip me up?" Dinah asked struggling with the zipper. Zendaya simply nodded and zipped the dress up.

"You look really pretty Dinah," she said making the younger girl blush. "Uh I d-don't how t-to tell you t-this," she said nervously.

"Well whatever it is I'm sure you can tell me. What's up?" Dinah asked.

"I uh-um...I-I," she stuttered.

"Are you okay Daya? You're starting to sweat. What's going on?"

"I like you Dinah," Zendaya spat out.

"Aw I like you too Z," Dinah cooed pinching her cheeks.

"No like I really like you. I like like you," Zendaya said.

"Oh um...I-"

"You don't have to say anything. I told them I shouldn't have said anything but-" She was cut off by Dinah mashing her lips onto hers. Their lips were in moving in sync. Heart to heart. Eye to eye. Soul to soul. Those same sparks were there just like the first kiss. They released each other from the kiss gasping for air.

"I like you too Daya," Dinah said. A muffled yay was heard outside the dressing room from Camila and Normani. Both girls chuckled at their friends silliness. Zendaya layed a quick kiss on Dinah's forehead before walking out of the dressing room.


Dinah's POV

I put on my outfit for my date. I began to wait for Justin to arrive for our date. Though I'm not exactly sure if it's a date anymore considering my actions with Zendaya. I like Justin but I like Daya more. I just wanna see where this goes. Just as I get ready to walk down the stairs I hear the doorbell ring. I quickly walk down the stairs and open the door to see Justin.

"Uh hey Justin. Come in." He walks past me without saying anything. I close the door.

"Nice house Dinah," he says nervously.

"Thanks," I reply.

"You look beautiful." he said starting to walk towards me.

"Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself. Uh Justin I-" I stopped talking when I hit the wall. I could feel his breathe on my lips. They were inches away from mine. He closed the gap in between us. His warm lips gave me a sloppy and rough kiss. I pushed him off me. "Justin wh-"

"Shut up and let me kiss you." He attempted to kiss me, but I dodged it running in the opposite direction of him. My bedroom.

Now I know you're all asking why the bedroom when you had clear access of the front door. I honestly don't know my brain and legs weren't exactly on the same page.

He caught on to what was happening and caught up me. I managed to get out of his grip and continue running. I attempted to close the door but he was to strong for me, making me fall back. He grabbed me by my waist throwing me over his shoulder. He slammed me down on my bed and began to undress me.

"Stop, Justin stop," I cried out repeatedly hitting him. He backhanded me hard in the face knocking me out.

A Few Hours Later...
Author's POV

Ally and Zendaya went to Dinah's house to retrieve Z's notebook. They both approach the door. Ally raises one hand and softly knocks on the front door. After a moment no one answers. Zendaya peeks her head over at the garage to see an unknown car. Ally knocks on the door once more only to get the same result as the first time.

"Should we be worried Z? She's not answering her phone." Ally said looking up at the tall brunette worriedly.

"I'm not sure. Let's just hope for the best Allycat," she replied. Zendaya tried opening the front door, and to her luck it wasn't locked. Both girls slowly walked in. Not a sound was made. It was quiet, too quiet. Ally walked upstairs while Zendaya walked into the livingroom.

"ZENDAYA," Ally exclaimed from Dinah's room. Zendaya immediately ran upstairs. She ran into Dinah's room and couldn't believe her eyes.

(A/N: Hey guys. Opps *nervously laughs*. Sorry I had to make the story just a bit more interesting. Okay a lot more interesting, but it was just to make a better story. Don't worry it'll get better. Maybe. Anyways hope you like the chapter. Bye😊💜).

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